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Japan-China Trade & Promotion Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning Association



JSAI人工智能学会正式会员,IEEE会员,SIGIR 会员CAAI中国人工智能学会会员,AAA1国际人工智能学会会员。英国人工智能中国ACM专员ACM的成员,主要研究领域包括ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,人工智能专家,计算机视觉,多媒体技术和机器学习。

AI,IoT物联网,RPA, OCR-AI ,ERP,cloud,bigdata,blockchain,ICT,5G,3D,AR, VR,iCLIP,核心工业软件,航空设计软件、智能芯片,智能驾驶,核心算法,中微子,量子计算人工智能机器人与自动化系统、智能手机与云端计算、智能城市等顶尖前沿科技。用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,安防,新零售,,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。 AI记者 体育 智能驾驶 AI会计 律师  AI手术机器人 AI问诊 误诊没 ai机器人葬礼 VR AR 3D AI犯罪追踪 AI图像识别智能城市,智慧家居,智能管理、RPA, 智能工厂、 智能物流,AI房地产,AI营销,AI广告,AI农业,AI游戏,智能电网,智能港口,智能旅游,无人机,新媒体,AI5G远程医疗,AIARVR智能远程教育 等社会普惠等领域



哈牛桥智能科技和微软,微软剑桥研究院,IBM、三星、H2o,谷歌,英特尔、HP,intel,亚马逊,CAPCOM,Domo, 株式会社MonotaRO,久保田机械,SCSK株式会社,株式会社クボタ,小松机械,清水建筑,阿里巴巴,恒生电子、雅虎,腾讯,华为,Facebook 巴黎研究院,SAP,oracle,salesforce,英国利物浦球队和李宁体育,阿里体育,momenta,韩国首尔实体店Super Sports XEBIO (슈퍼스포츠 제비오)体育用品实体店,TikTok(抖音 Douyin),NVIDIA ,NTT,NTTDATA,软银,三星 DIDI智能驾驶,freee株式会社, アビームコンサルティング株式会社, 株式会社アルトナー , 株式会社DeNA,株式会社システナ ,TDK株式会社,美国工业机器人智能机器人Boston Dynamics,東芝情報システム株式会社,日立,NEC,TOYOD,三菱集团,三井集团,TIS, KONAMI,PWC, 埃森哲咨询毕博咨询凯捷-安永咨询,德勤咨询,IBM咨询,sas,haoop,matlab,Tableau小林製薬,苏宁集团,京东 TOYODA 本田商汤科技(SenseTime)旷视 依图 Momenta 地平线 第四范式、高通、飞利浦、西门子、索尼、英特尔、佳能等名企有合约.研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。

哈牛桥智能科技团队的特点是名校毕业,理工出身,管理精英,美国硅谷 美国哈佛 ,MIT,英国牛津剑桥,思路清晰。依赖科技创新性,先进管理,准入门槛高,建立网络效应、品牌效应、专利技术和规模效应,竞争是为失败者准备的,哈牛桥智能科技,能够做到别的公司根本无法做到的业务。确定哈牛桥智能科技的 CAC/LTV 比率(即付费市场营销的用户获取成本 / 用户终身价值比率)不断提高这个比率。建立哈牛桥智能科技的核心竞争力利基市场爆炸式增长,哈牛桥智能科技团队成功的合作10年以上经历团队,市场牵引力的盈利数据是上升的






例如与诗人安倍晋三在柔道比赛中进行投影映射,利用旧芝里久花园进行的全面照明活动,以及体育运动和技术的结合我们正在从事许多独特的项目,例如新的体育娱乐CYBER SPORTS项目。我们将有160名员工,AI VRAR 与团队合作团队成员艺术家,创意总监,艺术总监,导演。

专门研究创意和先进技术,并在艺术,娱乐和商业领域的整个创意产业中工作。 他参与业务战略,品牌建设,创新创造,产品开发,广告和其他执行咨询。东京2020年组委会CD / AD

耐克,Bose Toyota,Ebizo Ichikawa Kabukiza等许多全球品牌的创作方向和艺术指导...







泽原形象工作室的哈牛桥直播电商AI Live  stream E-commerceはAR和AI技术是live stream直播电商应用最大的不同之处。在不同场景里移动后置摄像头,手机画面中会出现不同的AR特效,在提示语的引导下,用户可以在其中做出各种动作,在一些剧本中还可以通过手势识别和追踪等AI技术来完成特效的交互。




研究始终坚持原创,不断突破创新,并已与国内外数十所一流高校和科研院所建立深度合作关系,具有深厚的人工智能领域学术积累和健全的人才培养机制。The Harvard Graduate School of Design 哈佛大学设计学院,被认为是世界上最好的设计学院之一合作,哈佛大学,剑桥大学牛津大学MIT,东京大学京都大学大阪大学,清华大学,中国科学院等名校合作


研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。。

哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司(简称:哈牛桥智能科技)成立于2019年7月。注册资本金5000万,哈牛桥的意识是哈佛大学,牛津大学,剑桥大学为主的研究学术界的领域领先顶尖博士研发团队超过400人 大数据解决方案以行业“智能化、数字化”转型为 契机,深耕“金融、交通、运营商” 三个垂直领域,提供专业的智能数 据服务,总部南京,在上海、北京、 深圳等地设有项目交付中心,哈牛桥智能科技南京公司由国龙剑桥博士于红红哈佛博士领导的牛津大学剑桥大学哈佛大学MIT等博士团队,ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,AI机器学习,RPA, OCR-AI 特别是深度学习等人工智能领域实践能力专家,40年工作经验专业团队。哈牛桥智能科技是中国国家级 A类团队的,也是得到国家科技扶持金的科技家团队中国国家的重点科研室中国科学院的院士,清华大学的教授。和技术大趋势的融合,领先的分析技术被用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。中国科学院院士,IEEE会员,ERP区块链云技术大数据人工智能相关领域(不限于语音处理领域,包含人工智能各领域)的专利产品大赛获得一等奖了,并和阿里,腾讯,华为等多家签约达成。AI×5G 刷脸成为主流支付方式,所见即所买、短视频AI動画×5G、AR VR及3D的,智能驾驶,金融,5G 远程医疗 5G AI 医疗,智能驾驶 智能商业 智能医疗公安 5G机器人  5G材料半导体 体育 娱乐等领域技术是我们的主流、在分离纯化、创新药物、生物技术、芯片设计、量子点显示、多点触控、纳米微球和低碳纳米材料等关键技术世界领先 智能驾驶,智能制造,机器人,智能医疗。人脸与人体分析技术,SLAM 与 3D 视觉,通用与专业图像识别,机器人控制与传感,海量视频理解与挖掘,图像视频处理增强医学图像分析,人工智能计算平台,AI 超算平台,自研训练框架,AI 高性能存储


哈牛桥智能科技具有领先的人工智能算法和芯片设计能力,通过软硬结合,设计开发高性能、低成本、低功耗的边缘人工智能芯片及解决方案,开放赋能合作伙伴。面向智能驾驶和AIoT,可提供超高性价比的边缘AI芯片、极致的功耗效率、开放的工具链、丰富的算法模型样例和全面的赋能服务。目前,基于创新的人工智能专用计算架构BPU(Brain Processing Unit) ,已成功流片量产了中国首款边缘人工智能处理器--专注于智能驾驶的系列处理器和专注于AIoT的系列处理器,并已大规模商用。
依托行业领先的软硬结合产品,向行业客户提供“芯片+算法+云”的完整解决方案。在智能驾驶领域,地平线同全球四大汽车市场(美国、德国、日本和中国)的业务联系不断加深,目前已赋能合作伙伴包括奥迪、博世、长安、比亚迪、上汽 、广汽等国内外的顶级 Tier1s,OEMs 厂商;而在AIoT领域,携手合作伙伴已赋能多个国家级开发区、国内一线制造 企业、现代购物中心及知名品牌店。


作为一家智能高科技公司,公司创始人于红红毕业于美国哈佛大学计算机学院并获博士学位。同时,担任NTTDATA总部CTO董事、美国哈佛大学商学院客座教授、清华大学计算机科学学院客座教授、东南大学客座教授、东京大学客座教授,大阪大学客座教授,京都大学客座教授。CTO国龙毕业于英国剑桥大学计算机博士学位。同时,担任剑桥大学教授,英国LCFI实验室顶尖研究院首席科学家,公司CTO核心团队,均毕业于哈福大学,牛津大学,剑桥大学,MIT,卡内基梅隆大学、比利时鲁汶大学、伍斯特理工、北京大学、清华大学,上海交通大学、浙江大学、南京大学、东南大学、哈尔滨工业大学等国内外知名高校;在创立和加入南京哈牛桥智能科技之前,分别在阿里巴巴,腾讯,NTTDATA,谷歌,亚马逊,ZestFinance、SFL Scientific、弘亚世纪投资、苏宁金服、招商银行、华为、中兴、途牛金融等行业标杆类企业或机构任职。







感知 | 控制 | 优化









•国家级高新技术企业 •南京市双软企业 •江苏省重点民营高科技企业 •CMMI3 •ISO9001 •ISO27001

发展至今,公司获得了许多行业内颇具影响力的大奖。如,连续两年获得全球Fintech 250强、国家高新技术企业、科技部中国创新创业大赛十强、连续三年获得KPMG中国领先金融科技公司50强、2018年度金融科技创新十佳案例、世界互联网大会年度中国创客大奖、达沃斯论坛中国AI 50强、2018年度中国最具投资价值企业50强、2017年度最具商业价值人工智能公司TOP50等荣誉,在行业内影响力日益提高。此外,亦是中国互联网金融协会成员,并通过ISO9001& ISO27001、CMMI-5管理体系认证。


•招商证券 •国泰君安证券 •海通证券 •华泰证券 •银河证券 •中信建投证券

•申万宏源证券 •光大证券 •东方证券 •上交所 •江苏银行 •南京银行 金融行业

•南方航空 •东方航空

•深圳航空 •厦门航空 交通行业

•中国电信 •中国联通

•中国移动 •中国铁塔

大数据团队分为平台架构、数据处理开发、数据建模及数据挖掘分析、数据应用、平台运维等技 术团队,紧跟大数据社区的技术动态及合作伙伴大数据平台产品升级,注重技术实践,保证了红网大 数据生态圈技术研究领先性和实践应用性。大数据开发团队熟练掌握各类面向数据采集、数据处理(流处理、批处理)、数据分析、数据应 用、人工智能等大数据主流开发框架和技术,提供库表、消息、日志、文件、图片等结构化、非结构 化数据的采集、处理转换、稽核校验等海量大数据开发、优化、数据建模、数据应用开发等技术服务。大数据应用团队,在证券行业服务近30家大型券商、运营商、航空等客户,积累了丰富的应用 模型和及各类应用开发的经验。大数据运维团队,熟悉大数据主流的开源和商用版本(华为、星环、CDH),积累了丰富的大数 据运维经验。大数据平台,是一套大数据全业务流程处理产品。它能够实现从数据源的可视化采集(数据清洗、数据稽核)、数据 存储、数据分析和服务提供、结果展现全功能、多方位的大数据产品;为满足对大数据平台管理的需求,还提供平台管理、 安全管理及自动化部署功能;并具有多租户、分权分域的能力。




哈牛桥智能科技是剑桥大学的AI技术世界顶级的AI研究团队(有我的儿子国龙参加)AI深度学习发明的橄榄球5G技术(用于图像识别和语音识别的人工智能(AI)技术之一) 开发了结合了深度学习的橄榄球游戏分析系统,用相机拍摄人体运动,测量AI经过时的身体姿势和运动,AI指导5G技术

Innovation is the first core competitiveness of the development of HOC Intelligent technology 创新是哈牛桥智能科技发展的第一核心竞争力

Interconnection empowered by technology互联互通 以科技赋能

Technical innovation 技术创新

Innovation mode 创新模式

Management innovation 管理创新

融合物联网、5G、AI、计算机视觉和大数据, “打造可运营、有‘思维’的智慧科技和服务” Integrate Internet of things, 5G, AI, computer vision and big data , "to form operable and ‘thinking’technology and services”. 融合开放敏捷生态


The objective is to accelerate the artificial intelligence (AI) business in companies centered on the deep learning business, as well as in Japan and China and their neighboring countries, which are focused on research and human resources related to deep learning. (1) AI human resource development, academic meetings, academic lectures, seminars, etc.

(2) Information exchange and collaboration with related organizations

(3) AI solution consulting, promotion of AI utilization

(4) Exchange and cooperation between Japan and China and globalization

(6) Other businesses necessary to achieve the purpose of this corporation

(6) The business under the preceding paragraph shall be conducted in Japan and overseas.

We will carry out activities as the following five pillars.

(1) AI human resource development

We will hold various seminars and workshops for researchers and students who will support and support the AI ​​industry in the future.

(2) AI industry employment support

For those who want to find employment in the AI ​​industry and those who want to study AI technology, we will support employment through company briefing sessions.

(3) AI solution consulting

(4) Promotion of AI utilization

(5) Exchange and cooperation between Japan and China and globalization

We will promote cooperation with related organizations in Japan and China and their neighboring countries. We will organize information such as news about AI, trends in the AI ​​industry, trends in AI technology development, cases of utilizing AI products and services, interviews with experts, etc., and provide it to our members.

For the sound development of the industry, such as promoting the utilization of industry, human resource development, making recommendations to public institutions and industries, international cooperation, dialogue with society, etc., led by companies and experts with deep learning as the core of their business. We will carry out the necessary activities

About the board

The board consists of the president, directors, auditors, and special advisors.

About the committee

Industrial Utilization Promotion Committee

We will promote the utilization of deep learning in industry by collecting cases, extracting issues, and disseminating information such as symposiums and guidebooks.

Public policy committee

We will engage in international collaboration and dialogue with the society on which deep learning will be implemented. We will cooperate with various organizations to disseminate information to society as an association.

Human Resource Development Committee

We will examine the skill set for using deep learning and formulate a syllabus for the JCDLA and CJDLA exams. We will test, confirm, organize the test questions, and carry out the test.


Member merit (excerpt)

・ You can use association certification (logo mark) and association membership sign.

-You can get the latest information and network through member-only events, member-only pages, and access to the internal Slack of the association.

・ By participating in the committee, you can make industry-university collaboration activities and make institutional recommendations for government agencies.

・ You can use advertising space for various media issued by the association etc.

* Member benefits vary depending on type and rank. Please contact us for details.

This association aims to improve the industrial competitiveness of Japan and China through technologies centered on deep learning.

Therefore, companies and experts with deep learning as the core of the business will play a central role in promoting the sound development of industry, such as promotion of industrial utilization, human resource development, recommendations to public institutions and industries, international collaboration, and dialogue with society. We will carry out the necessary activities for

(1) Personal interaction
We will provide information, introduction, recommendation, and mediation when scientists and engineers from Japan and China visit or visit Japan.
We also plan, dispatch, or accept tour groups in the field of science and technology.
1) Visit China
A) At the expense of the Chinese side
I will recommend visitors who are invited by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
B) Sponsored by other countries or financially
C) Items to be carried out as a task of the Society

2) Visit to Japan
A) At the expense of the Chinese side
B) Items invited by the association with designated donations
C) Based on support requests from members
D) Support for Chinese students and researchers in Japan

Please see the link for the latest international conference information and information on dispatching inspection teams.

(2) Holding of Japan-China Science and Technology Symposium

Organized or co-sponsored a joint Japan-China symposium. Each time, the theme is chosen to be of great interest to both Japan and China. The scale varies, and the number of participants ranges from about 30 to over 200, and the session is generally 2-3 days.
In addition, we also sponsor, co-sponsor or sponsor small symposiums and lectures as needed. We also plan and dispatch visit teams for visiting China.
Please see the link for the time, place and theme of recent symposiums planned and held. ..

(3) Publication of newsletters, materials, reports, etc.

A) The bulletin "Japan-China Science and Technology" is published four times a year and distributed to members.
B) Translation of materials provided by China, symposium reports, etc. will be published at any time and distributed or distributed to members.

(4) Specialized research committee

Establish a specialized research committee on a specific subject to conduct research. Currently, the Environmental Special Committee has been established and is engaged in activities such as planning and holding symposiums and field surveys.

(5) Presentation of research incentive award to Chinese students

With the donation of attentive people as a fund, among the international students from China, those who have particularly outstanding research achievements are presented with a diploma and 100,000 yen as a research incentive award. ‥
Since 1987 to the present, Shigeyoshi Nogami Memorial Research Encouragement Award, Koji Fushimi Research Encouragement Award, Advanced Automation Research Encouragement Award, Amada Science and Technology Research Encouragement Award, Kanetaka Ariyama Memorial Research Encouragement Award, Environmental Science Research Encouragement Award, Masayoshi Sugano Memorial The Research Encouragement Award and Takashi Mukobo Memorial Research Encouragement Award have been established, and the number of recipients has reached 124 by the end of 2011.

Encouragement Award Recruitment Guidelines: Recruitment of Chinese International Student Research Encouragement Award Winners

(6) Other business

Other than the above, Japan-China joint exchange projects related to science and technology that are supported by the government and other countries are implemented or supported by the Board of Directors as deemed appropriate by the Society.
[China/Science and Technology Database]
Science and technology white paper

White Paper on Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Link to the Chinese Manual of Japanese Companies (2006-2007 version) (Japanese version)
[Government-related organizations]
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Tsinghua University
Shanghai University

China Science and Technology Association

Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch

Directorate General for Environmental Protection
China National Atomic Energy Agency
China Nuclear Industry Group (CNNC)

State Council Development Research Center
China Meteorological Administration
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Japan
People's Daily Japanese version
People's China
China National Tourism Board
Xinhua Trading Company

Shanghai Municipal Government
[Japan-China related institutions]
Japan International Trade Promotion Association
Japan-China Economic Association
(Company) Japan-China Association
China intelligence
Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
Japan Science and Technology Agency, China Research Center

(Company) China Research Institute
(Company) Japan-China Friendship Association
Japan-China Industry-Academia-Government Exchange Organization
[Chinese living information]
Wenever Online (Shanghai, Beijing)
[Chinese companies related to our association]
[Chinese press]
Xinhua Net
China net
People's Pictorial
China International Broadcasting Station
Beijing Weekly (English)
People's China
Xinhua (Chinese)
China Daily (English)
CCTV Telescope (English)
Science and Technology Daily Report (Chinese)
【Japanese Association】
Japanese Chamber of Commerce in China
Beijing Japanese Association
Aoshima Japanese Association
Guangzhou Japan Chamber of Commerce
Nantong City Japanese Association
Wuxi Japanese Association
[Japanese Government Relations]
Japanese Embassy in China

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of education
Atomic Energy Commission
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
National Diet Library
[Academic groups/research institutions]
Science Council of Japan

(Germany) Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

Science and Technology Council

Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry

(Germany) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Wakasa Bay Energy Research Center

(Germany) National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS)

(Germany) Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Nuclear Material Control Center (NMCC)

(Germany) RIKEN (RIKEN)

Institute for Advanced Information Science and Technology (RIST)

Japan Atomic Culture Foundation (JAERO)

Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS)

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

(Germany) National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)

Institute for Disaster Prevention Science and Technology (NIED)

Hokkaido University
Tohoku University
University of Tokyo
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nagoya University
Kyoto University
Osaka University
Kyushu University

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo

The Japan Society of Science and Technology Engineers will carry out the following measures to support engineers necessary for research and development of science and technology for the purpose of international contribution and culture improvement.
・Responding to ethical and social demands related to technology
・Exchange beyond the boundaries and occupations of companies that help stimulate, enlighten, and awaken technologists
・Development of the seeds of technological innovation
Contribute to the creation of an environment for the formation of a technological base that will realize a prosperous future society through companies
・Development of power to prevent technologists from being subordinate to corporate policies and strategies
・Development of the ability to actively participate in the technology strategy decided by the company
・Cultivation of the ability not only to enhance originality and development but also to demonstrate high morals and responsible ethics
Announcements/Event Information
• ● Updated the member-only corner.
•●Updated event schedule.
• ● AI Cram School
● Updated activity records.
• ● Overseas/Domestic Exchange Committee
・Chinese study trip record.
• ● Science and technology AI certification test
A test to determine the professional AI ability required as a global science and technology person.
-Problem creation (including scoring) is conducted by the Society for Science and Technology, and testing is conducted by other public interest corporations.
The Sino-Japanese Exchange Support Association will contribute to the promotion of exchanges between the two countries and the improvement of the quality of life of all of you by conducting support activities in exchanges in various fields such as medical care, education, culture and economy of China and Japan. is.
The Sino-Japanese Exchange Support Association will always pursue its mission with the mottos of "customer-centered", "building relationships of trust with society", and "business cooperation and development".

・Traveling medical support
・Health check support
・Health management support
・Credit survey support

・Development support for tourist destinations
・Travel plan planning proposal
・Travel agency and commercial facility placement
・Procedure support before travel
・Support for troubleshooting and ensuring safety at travel destinations

・Learning exchange support
・Academic research and exchange support
・Cultural experience education support

・Support for economic cooperation
・Support for expanding sales channels
・Support for planning, operation and execution of international conferences
・Human resource development support


・Tea ceremony, calligraphy, flower arrangement experience support
・Rural exchange support
・Festival experience support

・Visa application support
・Interpretation/translation support
・Market research support
・Credit survey support
Cross-border EC education business
Trading business education business
Business Chinese, Korean education business
Stocking Tour in Japan/China/Korea
Human resource development support project
1. Finding highly skilled personnel and supporting support (university graduates and special skill acquirers)
Support for companies that want to hire to develop local leaders in preparation for future overseas expansion
2. Technical trainee (system) support support
Support acceptance of overseas human resources and skill development support by national system
What is the foreign skill training system?
3. Support for accepting international students/caregiver education
4. Support for revitalization of senior human resources
Support for local Japanese companies by reusing human resources with overseas experience
5. Support for job hunting support for returnees
Job hunting support for foreign personnel after returning to Japan (introduced to local Japanese companies)
6. Support for foreign residents in Japan
Support for foreigners staying in Japan
Sales channel/manufacturing destination development support business (business matching)
1. Product sales support business overseas
2. Research/development support for production partners and OEM contractors
3. Support for the development and purchase of overseas products and materials
Click here for the flow of overseas development work
III. Support for overseas expansion support
1. Support for overseas expansion of factories, offices and stores
2. Support for visits, surveys, corporate registration, attending, interpreting, translation, etc.
IV. Related support projects
1. Planning and management of various seminars, corporate exchange meetings, and inspection events
2. Trade coordination of goods and materials
3. Grant support support
Application for a subsidy that can be received by SMEs
Social insurance labor consulting corporation

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