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Our Research Options
Online Business
The creative society design research area aims to design a creative society, where everyone can lead a radiant and enriched life, we will take an intellectual odyssey that integrates and transcends science, technology, and art,approaching it from both the human element and the machine element (or both analog and digital elements).Specifically, we will conduct: 1) research on information technology and interaction related to expression andcollaborative activities that take human creativity into account; 2) research on social systems using simulationtechnology and network science to realize safety and security; and 3) research on design that brings innovationin products and services by incorporating human sensibilities and values. Through these three research areas, we aim to realize a human society in which everyone can contribute to innovation to improve QoL (Quality of Life)and achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
Knowledge management has mainly focused on how to share and utilize knowledge in order to make the employeesʼ tacit knowledge as a competitive resource for organizations. However, the key to next generation knowledge management will be how to bring about change and contribute to human wellbeing through knowledge creation, sharing, and transformation. We consider knowledge as a transformational resource for building a society where people can experience and pursue wellbeing, and we share the common questions of what is the nature of knowledge and knowledge creation that promotes radical change, and how do we need to renew knowledge management in order to develop the ability to change? In this research area, we will define "knowledge management" from the perspective of "transformation through knowledge", and aim to construct theories and solve practical problems through transformation.
Cutting-edge science and technology are expanding human intellectual, physical, and mental activities and promoting the power of knowledge creation. On the other hand, human beings have intellectual activities unique to them, such as comprehensive judgment to make responsible decisions, intuition to catch faint signals, and creative trial and error to create knowledge by posing new problems and formulating hypotheses. There is a need for research and practice on these intellectual activities and the deep communication and co-creation abilities that humans have with others. In our knowledge society, knowledge creation is the main activity of humans and a resource for organizational competitiveness. The co-creation activities between science and technology and humans are essential for the sustainable creation and development of value. We call the intelligence that creates new knowledge by integrating state-of-the-art science and technology with human intelligence and creativity ""co-creative intelligence."" By exploring this new kind of intelligence that people active in the knowledge society should possess, we aim at clarifying the essence of intelligence and creativity. Simultaneously we conduct research and develop cutting-edge science and technology and propose to the community the ideal form of intelligence and science and technology.
Science Opportunity
Computer systems and networks have become increasingly important to our modern life. These information and communications technologies, or ICT, are the foundation that enable applications on our smartphones, that provide information security, that allow our mobile devices to connect wirelessly to the cloud. In the future, this trend is clearly increasing as ""smart technologies"" combine to form the Internet of Things. In addition, ICT investment has a close relationship to corporate performance, and has become a key driver of national growth strategy. The Next-generation Digital Infrastructure Research Area performs research and graduate education on the fundamentals of ICT systems, to make wide-ranging contributions to industry, standardization activities and governmental policy making.
Career Training
In this research area, our goal is to understand the fundamentals of human perception of multimodal information originated from interaction with the outside world, the mechanism of information transferring, based on a cross-disciplinary approach with focus on information science. Moreover, we also aim for applying new findings to the fields of higher level of information processing and robotics. Our attempt focuses on human-centered study through understanding human-human and human-machine communication, including mechanism of human sensory perception, multisensory modality and human behavior understanding; as well as recognition and understanding of linguistic and non-linguistic information, and human thinking process and its modeling. Our research interests also include engineering implementation such as robot technology based on mechanical and control engineering, sensors and information processing for five-senses based on perceptual and intelligent information processing, and robot engineering as an intelligent agent that adaptively interacts with humans and the environment. These broad range research topics contribute to establish a human-centered society (Society 5.0) where machine interacts with human in harmonic ways.
Community Opportunities
The sustainable innovation research area aims to create sustainable energy and materials through new methods such as novel photochemical reactions of natural materials, atomic layer materials, single nanometer processing technology, and innovative photovoltaic cell/module manufacturing methods. We have taken on global challenges of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) based on the following six pillars:
1) Including processability of the liquid supermaterials,
2) Development of sustainable and highly functional nature-derived materials,
3) Ultra-sensitive sensors to detect silent voices of humans and nature and innovative nanoscale thermal control
4) Physics of thermoelectric conversion, sustainable energy materials, and device applications,
5) Development of next-generation silicon-based solar cells through novel process technologies, and
6) Discoverable physical property mining that uses artificial intelligence (AI) theory.
We contribute to realizing a sustainable future symbiotic society by making cutting-edge fusion science through university-wide collaboration among materials science, information science, and knowledge science.