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“SDGSTV” is a public-private partnership that delivers information on decarbonization-related projects undertaken by companies and administrative organizations, SDGs, decarbonization, DX, etc. in a timely manner through YouTube live distribution, aiming to build a decarbonized society in 2050. It is an information program. We will deliver meaningful content by having various companies and administrative organizations appear. Regarding broadcasting, we plan to distribute it at a pace of about once a month.
CDP's questionnaire (2023 Climate Change), a well-known ESG evaluation of companies related to climate change
Aiming to improve your score, a practical course that explains each question
Program-CDP Scoring Partners Thoroughly Explain 2023 Climate Change Questionnaire *The CDP (Climate Change) Questionnaire is expanding its scope to companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's prime market from 2022! Comprehensively cover CDP (2023 climate change) questionnaire and supply chain questionnaire
Explains and specifically introduces points for answering the questionnaire. Responses from other companies in the previous year
We will explain the know-how to raise the score, including case studies and scoring criteria.
1. Overview of CDP
2. CDP (2023 Climate Change) Questionnaire CC 0-16, SC 0-4 Commentary
* The number of questions may change according to the official release of the questionnaire.
3. Examples of past answers and scoring criteria for each question
"GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Emissions Calculation, Thorough Explanation!!" --Aggressive Green Strategy for Selected Suppliers--, which will be implemented as a sharing of consulting.
Based on the globally recommended GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Protocol
Thorough explanation of emission calculation methods *Explanation of practical methods such as specific calculation methods based on the GHG protocol and how to respond when there is no appropriate emission factor <SCOPE 1 and 2> <SCOPE 3> >International standards such as the ISO 14064 series and methods related to the appropriate calculation and verification of greenhouse gas emissions are introduced in an easy-to-understand manner from the basics <SCOPE 1 and 2>
1. What are supply chain emissions?
2. SCOPE 1 and 2 emissions calculation criteria
3. Scope 1 and 2 emissions calculation steps and calculation methods
4. Documentation of emissions calculations
5. Preparation for third-party verification of emissions, etc.
1. What is Scope 3 emissions?
2. Scope 3 emissions calculation steps
3. Calculation by Category in SCOPE 3 (Categories 1 to 15)
4. Documentation of emissions calculations
5. Preparation for third-party verification of emissions, etc.
Business companies and SDGs - Contributing to SDGs while saving money" "Both business improvement and cost reduction through "visualization" of energy using IoT Consulting for SDGs/ESG/carbon neutral" Energy saving and energy saving through optimal use of electricity and heat of energy supply risk avoidance
Efforts to achieve both, reducing waste by visualizing power consumption
Examples of efforts such as discovering and realizing cost reduction
[Use of unstructured data]
A data lake/dataware service that can automatically convert and integrate unstructured data such as images, voice, text, and IoT using proprietary AI technology
[SCM/demand forecast]
Automatic demand forecasting service using machine learning and external data
[Smart city]
Area BI platform with big data on the theme of urban sustainability such as bustling, tourism, disaster prevention, climate change, and regional transportation
A platform to visualize, reduce, and offset lifestyle carbon emissions
[Facility Management]
A facility management business support service that utilizes AI technology to import real estate documents and data collectively and enable data management for each building.

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The work will include original contributions on theory, methods, systems, and applications of data mining, machine learning, databases, network theory, natural language processing, knowledge representation, artificial intelligence, semantic web, and big data analytics in web-based healthcare applications, with a focus on applications in population and personalized health. The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:
· Knowledge Representation and Extraction
· Integrated Health Information Systems
· Patient Education
· Patient-Focused Workflows
· Shared Decision Making
· Geographical Mapping and Visual Analytics for Health Data
· Social Media Analytics
· Epidemic Intelligence
· Predictive Modeling and Decision Support
· Semantic Web and Web Services
· Biomedical Ontologies, Terminologies, and Standards
· Bayesian Networks and Reasoning under Uncertainty
· Temporal and Spatial Representation and Reasoning
· Case-based Reasoning in Healthcare
· Crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence
· Risk Assessment, Trust, Ethics, Privacy, and Security
· Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
· Computational Behavioral/Cognitive Modeling
· Health Intervention Design, Modeling and Evaluation
· Online Health Education and E-learning
· Mobile Web Interfaces and Applications
· Applications in Epidemiology and Surveillance (e.g. Bioterrorism,
Participatory Surveillance, Syndromic Surveillance, Population Screening)
· Hybrid Methods, combining data driven and predictive forward models
· Explainable AI (XAI) in Health and Medical domain
· Precision Medicine and Health
· Response to Covid-19
· Computational models of ageing
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