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​ 4-9-35 Shuntoku-cho, Higashi-Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture



Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Higashi-Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry


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Privacy Mark qualification

 Information Security Management System Certification

CMM5 companies

ISO9000 company

SDGS certified company

ECO certified company

affiliated academic society

National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) 

Chinese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Society for Artificial Intelligence, AAAI, AAAS, IEEE, ComputerScience Professor Researcher, Chinese Academy of Sciences Researcher

CFI Researcher, Harvard University Researcher, Oxford University Researcher,

​NTT, Toyota Motor Corporation, JST, AMED, RIKEN, JAXA Research Team of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Management and economics research at Changchun University of Technology


group company

Japan State-of-the-Art Technology Laboratory Co., Ltd.
Local subsidiary in China  Harniuqiao Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co., Ltd.
UK subsidiary HOCIntelligentTechnology
Subsidiary in USA, Subsidiary in Germany, Subsidiary in Canada

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In the bioscience field, we are promoting cutting-edge research and education based on a wide range of life sciences, centered on molecular biology and cell biology. Currently, we are promoting advanced biotechnology research in three research fields: plant science (laboratory), medical biology (laboratory), and integrated systems biology (laboratory).


field of study
Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data Analysis, Data Mining, Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Analysis, Computational Science, Web Informatics, Neuroscience, Quantum Information, and New Principles, Theories, and Interdisciplinary Areas of These Advanced research that creates possibilities for new applications
Research and development on the development of natural language processing, computer vision, image processing, acoustic information processing, computer graphics, databases, human interaction, web mining, social media, community analysis, media clone generation/recognition, machine learning/deep learning applications, etc.

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Next Generation Energy System Creation Strategy Green Lab

The 21st century is said to be the age of life sciences. Elucidation of diseases such as cancer, brain diseases, and allergies, which have increased due to aging and stress. From the perspective of global environmental conservation, the development of bioenergy, the development of biopesticides that do not depend on chemical substances, and the development of safe food have become issues. Against this background, in the field of applied biology, a team of advanced engineers and researchers with the knowledge, skills, and judgment that can solve these problems, and biotechnology have played a major role in modern society. . Biotechnology has rapidly filled the gap between practical sciences related to organisms such as agriculture, medicine, and pharmacy, and basic biology, and has continued to develop. In this department, we make full use of biotechnology to not only analyze life phenomena themselves, but also to realize technologies related to better human life.

 New Material Innovation Lab

Today, from general-purpose familiar substances and materials to substances and materials that support cutting-edge science, substances and materials that play a role in the production, storage, and transportation of energy, environmentally friendly substances and materials, and biomolecules and other substances that are linked to life. and material innovations are essential for the development of material science, material science, and even life science. These fields of science are interconnected to develop nanotechnology, information technology, biotechnology, and environmental technology that support our social life. Against this background, this school has a broad perspective on advanced science and technology and substances and materials, and explores and develops next-generation substances and materials.

engineering organization

Engineering is a field of study that aims to design and construct things that are useful to society and safe and comfortable environments based on the basic theories of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, as well as an understanding of natural principles. As globalization and urbanization advance, issues such as resource and energy problems, global warming, and a super-aging society are becoming apparent. Engineering is gaining importance for solving these problems. In order to plan and design things that are useful to society and safe and comfortable environments, it is necessary to discover issues and clarify objectives. You cannot move forward without understanding what is required of you. In order to actually construct things and environments, it is important to know what methods can be used and to understand the limitations in principle. Furthermore, we must ask ourselves whether the method is the best, and whether it is a natural course of action that is not unnecessarily complicated. In order to do so, we must acquire the ability to learn and understand various things and make comprehensive judgments by making full use of that knowledge. In the design engineering department, a team of highly specialized engineers acquires specific methods for constructing things and environments, and has the skills to make comprehensive judgments from the perspectives of usefulness, safety, and comfort.


On the other hand, we are strongly conscious of the shift to a stock-oriented society in the 21st century, and consider existing cities and buildings as stock that should be utilized, and develop comprehensive management skills for their preservation, restoration, and restoration, or their preservation. increase. A city/architectural expert who has the ability to preserve, restore, and regenerate a city/architecture as stock, or who has the ability to comprehensively manage its preservation. We train architects, restoration architects, urban/architectural planners, heritage managers, structural/environmental engineers, etc. For this reason, internships not only at companies but also in the local community and overseas are formally positioned as a course subject, and we actively encourage students to gain diverse construction work experience. In the field of design, based on specialized design skills related to products, graphics, interiors, etc., discovering needs and creating innovative solutions in a wide range of frameworks such as changes in the social and global environment, business, and technological environments. Aiming to achieve this goal, the field of value creation studies conducts world-class research on works and authors in the fields of art, design, architecture, etc., through work analysis, decipherment of literature, and historical and theoretical valuation through deep insight.

design areaWe aim to discover needs in a wide range of frameworks such as changes in the social and global environment, changes in business and technological environments, and create innovative solutions for them, based on our specialized design capabilities related to products, graphics, interiors, etc. In the field of value creation, world-class research is conducted on works and authors in the fields of art, design, architecture, etc., through work analysis, decipherment of literature, and historical and theoretical valuation through deep insight.

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Mesoscopic Materials Science Laboratoryprotein, nano-assembly, biomineralization, self-assembly, device

Sensory Functional Device Science LaboratoryMEMS technology, μTAS (Micro Total Analysis Systems) technology, molecular imaging technology

Functional Polymer Science LaboratorySynthetic Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Science, Kinase Inhibitors

Environmental Adaptation Materials LaboratoryGlobal warming countermeasure technology, carbon dioxide separation and recovery, membrane separation, adsorption separation, hydrogen production

Advanced Functional Materials LaboratorySuper-hybrid materials, energy storage materials, nanomaterials, thin films/particles/fibers, plating, interface control technology, heat dissipation control technology, secondary battery, micro-circulation platform, biomass


Through research activities in the field of information AI, students will cultivate independent research skills, acquire high-level specialized knowledge and skills, problem-finding and problem-solving skills through a wide range of theories and systemic understanding of the field, and acquire global communication skills. This fellowship system supports students to acquire the ability to demonstrate leadership in advanced science and technology fields with high ethical standards and a broad perspective.



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Bioscience field

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  • 洋上風力・太陽光・地熱

  • 水素・燃料アンモニア

  • 次世代熱エネルギー

  • 原子力

  • 自動車・蓄電池

  • 半導体・情報通信

  • 船舶

  • 物流・人流・土木インフラ

  • 食料・農林水産業

  • 航空機

  • カーボンリサイクル・マテリアル

  • 住宅・建築物・次世代電力マネジメント

  • 資源循環関連

  • ライフスタイル関連      ゼロエミッション社会の実現に向けて健康長寿とバイオエコノミー社会を目指して人と共栄する情報・人間工学領域 カーボンニュートラルの早期実現に向けて世界トップレベルのAI計算基盤「ABCI」素材開発をDX化しませんか?AIを活用した製造現場の加工条件最適化

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