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HOCインテリジェントテクノロジーHOC Intelligent Technology哈牛橋智能科技



AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company

Company Profile


AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park

AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries

IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.

HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .

AlibabaGroup 合同会社

哈牛桥智能科技南京公司在南京江北新区软件园JSAI人工智能学会正式会员,IEEE会员,SIGIR 会员CAAI中国人工智能学会会员,AAA1国际人工智能学会会员。英国人工智能中国ACM专员ACM的成员,主要研究领域包括ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,人工智能专家,计算机视觉,多媒体技术和机器学习。

AI,IoT,RPA, OCR-AI ,ERP,cloud,bigdata,blockchain,ICT,5G,3D,AR, VR,iCLIP,核心工业软件,智能芯片,智能驾驶,核心算法,中微子,量子人工智能等顶尖前沿科技。用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。 AI记者 体育 智能驾驶 AI会计 律师  AI手术机器人 AI问诊 误诊没 ai机器人葬礼 VR AR 3D AI犯罪追踪 AI图像识别



哈牛桥智能科技和微软,微软剑桥研究院,IBM、三星、H2o,谷歌,英特尔、HP,intel,亚马逊,CAPCOM,Domo, 株式会社MonotaRO,久保田机械,SCSK株式会社,株式会社クボタ,小松机械,清水建筑,阿里巴巴,恒生电子、雅虎,腾讯,华为,Facebook 巴黎研究院,SAP,oracle,salesforce,英国利物浦球队和李宁体育,阿里体育,momenta,韩国首尔实体店Super Sports XEBIO (슈퍼스포츠 제비오)体育用品实体店,TikTok(抖音 Douyin),NVIDIA ,NTT,NTTDATA,软银,三星 DIDI智能驾驶,freee株式会社, アビームコンサルティング株式会社, 株式会社アルトナー , 株式会社DeNA,株式会社システナ ,TDK株式会社,美国工业机器人智能机器人Boston Dynamics,東芝情報システム株式会社,日立,NEC,TOYOD,三菱集团,三井集团,TIS, KONAMI,PWC, 埃森哲咨询毕博咨询凯捷-安永咨询,德勤咨询,IBM咨询,sas,haoop,matlab,Tableau小林製薬,苏宁集团,京东 TOYODA 本田商汤科技(SenseTime)旷视 依图 Momenta 地平线 第四范式、高通、飞利浦、西门子、索尼、英特尔、佳能等名企有合约.研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。

哈牛桥智能科技团队的特点是名校毕业,理工出身,管理精英,美国硅谷 美国哈佛 ,MIT,英国牛津剑桥,思路清晰。依赖科技创新性,先进管理,准入门槛高,建立网络效应、品牌效应、专利技术和规模效应,竞争是为失败者准备的,哈牛桥智能科技,能够做到别的公司根本无法做到的业务。确定哈牛桥智能科技的 CAC/LTV 比率(即付费市场营销的用户获取成本 / 用户终身价值比率)不断提高这个比率。建立哈牛桥智能科技的核心竞争力利基市场爆炸式增长,哈牛桥智能科技团队成功的合作10年以上经历团队,市场牵引力的盈利数据是上升的







研究始终坚持原创,不断突破创新,并已与国内外数十所一流高校和科研院所建立深度合作关系,具有深厚的人工智能领域学术积累和健全的人才培养机制。The Harvard Graduate School of Design 哈佛大学设计学院,被认为是世界上最好的设计学院之一合作,哈佛大学,剑桥大学牛津大学MIT,东京大学京都大学大阪大学,清华大学,中国科学院等名校合作


研发中心南京总部,杭州总部,上海总部,台州分部,丽水分部,苏州分部等,全球 日本,英国,美国,韩国。。。

哈牛桥智能科技南京有限公司(简称:哈牛桥智能科技)成立于2019年7月。注册资本金5000万,哈牛桥的意识是哈佛大学,牛津大学,剑桥大学为主的研究学术界的领域领先顶尖博士研发团队超过400人 大数据解决方案以行业“智能化、数字化”转型为 契机,深耕“金融、交通、运营商” 三个垂直领域,提供专业的智能数 据服务,总部南京,在上海、北京、 深圳等地设有项目交付中心,哈牛桥智能科技南京公司由国龙剑桥博士于红红哈佛博士领导的牛津大学剑桥大学哈佛大学MIT等博士团队,ERP咨询,云技术,大数据,区块链,AI机器学习,RPA, OCR-AI 特别是深度学习等人工智能领域实践能力专家,40年工作经验专业团队。哈牛桥智能科技是中国国家级 A类团队的,也是得到国家科技扶持金的科技家团队中国国家的重点科研室中国科学院的院士,清华大学的教授。和技术大趋势的融合,领先的分析技术被用于政府/地方政府,教育/医疗/医疗保健,金融,制造业,物流,通讯/广播,建筑/房地产,电力/燃气/水,网络,制药,农业,零售,制造,交通,体育,宇宙航空,广告,IOT,ICT等行业。中国科学院院士,IEEE会员,ERP区块链云技术大数据人工智能相关领域(不限于语音处理领域,包含人工智能各领域)的专利产品大赛获得一等奖了,并和阿里,腾讯,华为等多家签约达成。AI×5G 刷脸成为主流支付方式,所见即所买、短视频AI動画×5G、AR VR及3D的,智能驾驶,金融,5G 远程医疗 5G AI 医疗,智能驾驶 智能商业 智能医疗公安 5G机器人  5G材料半导体 体育 娱乐等领域技术是我们的主流、在分离纯化、创新药物、生物技术、芯片设计、量子点显示、多点触控、纳米微球和低碳纳米材料等关键技术世界领先 智能驾驶,智能制造,机器人,智能医疗。人脸与人体分析技术,SLAM 与 3D 视觉,通用与专业图像识别,机器人控制与传感,海量视频理解与挖掘,图像视频处理增强医学图像分析,人工智能计算平台,AI 超算平台,自研训练框架,AI 高性能存储



哈牛桥智能科技具有领先的人工智能算法和芯片设计能力,通过软硬结合,设计开发高性能、低成本、低功耗的边缘人工智能芯片及解决方案,开放赋能合作伙伴。面向智能驾驶和AIoT,可提供超高性价比的边缘AI芯片、极致的功耗效率、开放的工具链、丰富的算法模型样例和全面的赋能服务。目前,基于创新的人工智能专用计算架构BPU(Brain Processing Unit) ,已成功流片量产了中国首款边缘人工智能处理器--专注于智能驾驶的系列处理器和专注于AIoT的系列处理器,并已大规模商用。
依托行业领先的软硬结合产品,向行业客户提供“芯片+算法+云”的完整解决方案。在智能驾驶领域,地平线同全球四大汽车市场(美国、德国、日本和中国)的业务联系不断加深,目前已赋能合作伙伴包括奥迪、博世、长安、比亚迪、上汽 、广汽等国内外的顶级 Tier1s,OEMs 厂商;而在AIoT领域,携手合作伙伴已赋能多个国家级开发区、国内一线制造 企业、现代购物中心及知名品牌店。





作为一家智能高科技公司,公司创始人于红红毕业于美国哈佛大学计算机学院并获博士学位。同时,担任NTTDATA总部CTO董事、美国哈佛大学商学院客座教授、清华大学计算机科学学院客座教授、东南大学客座教授、东京大学客座教授,大阪大学客座教授,京都大学客座教授。国龙毕业于英国剑桥大学计算机博士学位。同时,担任剑桥大学教授,英国LCFI实验室顶尖研究院首席科学家,公司核心团队,均毕业于哈福大学,牛津大学,剑桥大学,MIT,卡内基梅隆大学、比利时鲁汶大学、伍斯特理工、北京大学、清华大学,上海交通大学、浙江大学、南京大学、东南大学、哈尔滨工业大学等国内外知名高校;在创立和加入南京哈牛桥智能科技之前,分别在阿里巴巴,腾讯,NTTDATA,谷歌,亚马逊,ZestFinance、SFL Scientific、弘亚世纪投资、苏宁金服、招商银行、华为、中兴、途牛金融等行业标杆类企业或机构任职。







感知 | 控制 | 优化


















•国家级高新技术企业 •南京市双软企业 •江苏省重点民营高科技企业 •CMMI3 •ISO9001 •ISO27001

发展至今,公司获得了许多行业内颇具影响力的大奖。如,连续两年获得全球Fintech 250强、国家高新技术企业、科技部中国创新创业大赛十强、连续三年获得KPMG中国领先金融科技公司50强、2018年度金融科技创新十佳案例、世界互联网大会年度中国创客大奖、达沃斯论坛中国AI 50强、2018年度中国最具投资价值企业50强、2017年度最具商业价值人工智能公司TOP50等荣誉,在行业内影响力日益提高。此外,亦是中国互联网金融协会成员,并通过ISO9001& ISO27001、CMMI-5管理体系认证。


•招商证券 •国泰君安证券 •海通证券 •华泰证券 •银河证券 •中信建投证券

•申万宏源证券 •光大证券 •东方证券 •上交所 •江苏银行 •南京银行 金融行业

•南方航空 •东方航空

•深圳航空 •厦门航空 交通行业

•中国电信 •中国联通

•中国移动 •中国铁塔

大数据团队分为平台架构、数据处理开发、数据建模及数据挖掘分析、数据应用、平台运维等技 术团队,紧跟大数据社区的技术动态及合作伙伴大数据平台产品升级,注重技术实践,保证了红网大 数据生态圈技术研究领先性和实践应用性。大数据开发团队熟练掌握各类面向数据采集、数据处理(流处理、批处理)、数据分析、数据应 用、人工智能等大数据主流开发框架和技术,提供库表、消息、日志、文件、图片等结构化、非结构 化数据的采集、处理转换、稽核校验等海量大数据开发、优化、数据建模、数据应用开发等技术服务。大数据应用团队,在证券行业服务近30家大型券商、运营商、航空等客户,积累了丰富的应用 模型和及各类应用开发的经验。大数据运维团队,熟悉大数据主流的开源和商用版本(华为、星环、CDH),积累了丰富的大数 据运维经验。大数据平台,是一套大数据全业务流程处理产品。它能够实现从数据源的可视化采集(数据清洗、数据稽核)、数据 存储、数据分析和服务提供、结果展现全功能、多方位的大数据产品;为满足对大数据平台管理的需求,还提供平台管理、 安全管理及自动化部署功能;并具有多租户、分权分域的能力。





哈牛桥智能科技是剑桥大学的AI技术世界顶级的AI研究团队(有我的儿子国龙参加)AI深度学习发明的橄榄球5G技术(用于图像识别和语音识别的人工智能(AI)技术之一) 开发了结合了深度学习的橄榄球游戏分析系统,用相机拍摄人体运动,测量AI经过时的身体姿势和运动,AI指导5G技术

Innovation is the first core competitiveness of the development of HOC Intelligent technology 创新是哈牛桥智能科技发展的第一核心竞争力

Interconnection empowered by technology互联互通 以科技赋能

Technical innovation 技术创新

Innovation mode 创新模式

Management innovation 管理创新

融合物联网、5G、AI、计算机视觉和大数据, “打造可运营、有‘思维’的智慧科技和服务” Integrate Internet of things, 5G, AI, computer vision and big data , "to form operable and ‘thinking’technology and services”.




AI、IoT、RPA、OCR-AI、ERP、クラウド、ビッグデータ、ブロックチェーン、ICT、5G、3D、AR、VR、iCLIP、コア産業ソフトウェア、コアアルゴリズム、ニュートリノ、政府/地方政府向けの最先端テクノロジー教育/医療/ヘルスケア、金融、製造、物流、通信/放送、建設/不動産、電気/ガス/水、ネットワーク、医薬品、農業、小売、製造、輸送、スポーツ、航空宇宙、広告、IOT、 ICTおよびその他の産業


HOC Intelligent TechnologyとMicrosoft、Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute、Google、Amazon、Alibaba、Hang Seng Electronics、Yahoo、Tencent、Huawei、Facebook Paris Research、SAP、orcale、salesforceなど、英国リバプールチームとLi Ning Sports、 Ali Sports、NVIDIA、NTT、NTTDATA、Softbank、Samsungなどの有名企業が契約を結んでいますR&Dセンター南京本部、杭州本部、上海本部、台州支店、丽水部、蘇州支店など,グローバル日本、英国、米国、韓国。 。


最先端の技術を継続的に生み出し、実用化する組織」の確立です。技術を知り尽くしたプロフェッショナルで組織を構成し、世の中に「技術」で価値を生み出していくことを追求していきます。 このビジョンを達成すべく、プロフェッショナルなメンバーと切磋琢磨しお互いを補完しあい、「技術」で世の中に価値を生み出していく力と情熱を持った人。私たちはそのような方々と一緒に仕事をしたいと考えています。技術力はもちろん必要です。ただ、技術力だけでなく、人間性もとても重要であると私たちは考えています。そのため、次のような資質をもったメンバーと、一緒に働いていきたいと考えています。







AI tech at Cambridge University  世界トップのAI研究チーム(私の息子guolongが参加している) AIが発明したラグビー5G技術 画像認識および音声認識に、人工知能(AI)の技術の1つであるディープラーニング(深層学習)を組み合わせた、ラグビーのプレー分析システムを開発した,体の動きをカメラで撮影し、AIがパスの際の体の姿勢や動きを計測、AIコーチング5G技術


アルゴリズムは洗練されておらず、中国の産業用ロボットは少し「愚か」です。 。 。コアアルゴリズムは、Harbin Bridgeテクノロジーがトップテクノロジーであることです。中国の産業用ロボットを生かします。 。 。

中国の国内チップシェアは0で、チップコアアルゴリズムはハルビンブリッジテクノロジーがトップテクノロジーであり、ZTEアリダルマPingtou兄弟Huaweiに署名して、中国の国内チップシェア率を100%にします。 。 。

iCLIPテクノロジーもブランクですノーベルの革新的な医薬品の研究開発iCLIPテクノロジーハルビンブリッジテクノロジーは、中国で革新的な医薬品の開発を進んで行うトップの技術チームです。 。 。 。

ニュートリノは、地球、太陽、宇宙に容易に侵入できます。 。 。 。ハルビンブリッジテクノロジーは、電磁波通信を置き換える方法を開発しています。ニュートリノ通信の研究開発。 。


Guolong Cambridge博士、Hong Hong Harvard博士、オックスフォード大学、ケンブリッジ大学、ハーバード大学、MITおよびその他の博士課程チーム、ERPコンサルティング、クラウドテクノロジー、ビッグデータ、ブロックチェーン、AI機械学習、RPA、OCRが率いるHOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co.、Ltd. -AIは、ディープラーニングなどの人工知能の分野における実践的な能力の専門家であり、40年の実務経験を持つプロのチームです。 HOC Intelligent Technologyは、中国の国家レベルのAクラスのチームであり、国家科学技術サポートのある科学技術サポートチームでもあります。中国科学院のメンバーであり、中国科学院の主要な研究者であり、清華大学の教授でもあります。技術的メガトレンド、政府/地方政府、教育/医療/ヘルスケア、金融、製造、物流、通信/放送、建設/不動産、電気/ガス/水、ネットワーキング、医薬品で使用される主要な分析技術との統合、農業、小売、製造、輸送、スポーツ、航空宇宙、広告、IOT、ICT、その他の産業。中国科学アカデミーのアカデミー会員、IEEEメンバー、ERPブロックチェーンクラウドテクノロジービッグデータ人工知能関連分野(音声処理に限らず、あらゆる分野の人工知能を含む)特許製品コンテストが優勝し、アリ、テンセント、Huaweiなどで優勝しました。多くの契約が締結されました。 AI×5Gブラシフェイスが主流の支払い方法になり、購入内容を見る、ショートビデオAIアニメーション×5G、AR VRおよび3D、スマート運転、金融、5G遠隔医療5G AI医療、スマート運転インテリジェントビジネスインテリジェンス医療公安5Gロボット5G素材の半導体スポーツエンターテインメントやその他の技術分野が主流であり、分離と精製、革新的な医薬品、バイオテクノロジー、チップ設計、量子ドットディスプレイ、マルチタッチ、ナノマイクロスフェア、低カーボンナノ材料などのキーテクノロジーにおける世界をリードするインテリジェントドライビングです。 、スマートマニュファクチャリング、ロボット工学、スマートメディカル




HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co.、Ltd.(略称:Harbin Bridge Intelligent Technology)は2019年7月に設立されました。人工知能のハイテク企業として、創業者のYu Honghongはハーバード大学のコンピュータサイエンススクールで博士号を取得しました。同時に、NTTDATA本社のCTOディレクター、ハーバードビジネススクールの客員教授、清華大学のコンピューターサイエンスの客員教授、東南大学の客員教授、東京大学の客員教授、大阪大学の客員教授、京都大学の客員教授を務めました。同社の中核チームは、ハーバード大学、オックスフォード大学、ケンブリッジ大学、MIT、カーネギーメロン大学、ベルギーのルーベン大学、ウースター工科大学、北京大学、清華大学、上海交通大学、Z江大学、南京を卒業しました。大学、東南アジア大学、ハルビン工科大学および国内外のその他の有名な大学。南京ハルビンブリッジインテリジェントテクノロジーをそれぞれアリババ、テンセント、NTTDATA、グーグル、アマゾン、ZestFinance、SFLサイエンティフィック、ホンヤセンチュリーインベストメント、蘇寧で作成および参加する前Jinfu、China Merchants Bank、Huawei、Zhongxing、Tuniu Finance、およびその他の業界ベンチマーク企業または機関。


博士論文の結果のいくつかは、中核としての商用ソフトウェアです。これまでに、彼はプロジェクトリーダーとして、863の主要プロジェクト、国家科学技術支援計画のサブプロジェクト、および中国国立自然科学財団のプロジェクトに関する研究開発作業に着手し、SCIの50の記事とEIの60の記事を含む510以上の研究論文を発表しました。 129件の記事が含まれ、225件の発明特許が取得されました。清華大学、東京大学、大阪大学、京都大学、ケンブリッジ大学、ハーバード大学、オックスフォード大学、MITなどの教授は、プラットフォーム企業のハイテクフロントエンドテクノロジーの研究開発と関連製品の商業化に重点を置いています。同社は強力な資本を持ち、オタク文化を信じており、コアチームメンバーは、Google、Amazon、Facebook、IBM、Microsoft、NVIDIA、Huawei、Tencent、およびAliの上級R&Dおよび管理経験を持つ業界のエリートです。コンピューターソフトウェア、コンピューター技術ネットワーク技術、ネットワーク技術航空宇宙建設技術、3D印刷技術。


有名なディープマインドのトップサイエンティストは、米国のグーグルのチーフサイエンティストでもあり、Google、Amazon、Apple、Armから、確率的モデリングプラットフォームで1300万ポンドの資金調達に成功しました。ケンブリッジ大学のケンブリッジ大学開発チームの情報工学教授Steve Young」




高度な生物医学に関連する特別なケーススタディの開発など。データサイエンスおよび人工知能の承認のための特定の予測分析方法。 。創薬および先端医療におけるAIリーダーのトップ100」(PDF)研究科学者、臨床医および学界の技術スペシャリスト、製薬会社、人工知能会社。受賞者には、CSAIL Principal InvestigatorおよびMIT教授Reginaが含まれます。 Barzilay、Tommi Jaakkola、Manolis Kellis、Peter Szolovitsなど。




スマートビルディングITの計画、開発、運用サービスを提供するITサービスプロバイダー。肥沃な土壌プロジェクトに代表される半年以上にわたる情報化改革の後、McKinsey、Huawei、IBMなどの優れた協力の支援を受けて、アプリケーションシステム開発、アーキテクチャ、運用を含む約1,000人の専門技術チームが結成されました。メンテナンスおよびその他の機能。住宅開発者から都市支援サービスプロバイダーへの移行に伴い、多様化されたビジネス戦略により、ビジネス統合、顧客リソースの開放、情報システム構築の要件が高まり、プラットフォームがより重要な役割を果たすことになります。デジタル化を通じて既存の中核ビジネスの運用効率を高め、顧客体験を向上させます。一方で、デジタル化を通じてマルチフォーマット開発をサポートし、都市胚サービスプロバイダーの戦略的ビジョンをサポートする強力なプラットフォームを確立することが期待されます。この文脈で、ヴァンケのデジタル変革を促進する「肥沃な計画」が生まれました。 2年間の開発の後、グループの経営陣、さまざまな機能部門の専門家、さまざまな最前線のバックボーン、優秀なパートナー、テクノロジー企業のテクノロジーエリートの協力のもと、段階的な開発を達成しました。将来的には、「ユーザー中心のテクノロジー対応ビジネスと真の価値の創造」の原則を順守し、ビッグデータ、クラウドコンピューティング、AI、モノのインターネットなどの新しいテクノロジーを使用して、テクノロジーをビジネスのブースターと管理にします。潤滑剤は、業界をリードする地位を維持するのに役立ちます。


HOC Intelligent Technologyの主な事業は、人工知能技術に基づいており、独立したサードパーティのインテリジェントな意思決定リスク制御サービスを金融機関に提供し、小規模および小規模の企業信用評価アルゴリズムの開発を通じて、銀行およびその他の金融機関の迅速かつ正確な支援を約束しています。緊急に資金を必要とする高品質の小規模および小規模企業。 Yu Honghong博士は、人工知能技術に基づいた小規模および零細企業および個人の評価で豊富な経験を持ち、ZestFinanceモデルグループの創設者であり、IDG CapitalのTurbo Financial Groupの共同設立者であり、主任風力コントローラーです。居住者の起業家および投資コンサルタントであるKabbageのチーフサイエンティストは、小規模および零細企業の信用評価の開発に重点を置いています。



Https:// Googleのテクノロジー、Huaweiは現在到達する可能性が高く、HuaweiとHarun Bridgeは署名しました。

ハルビンブリッジは、米国と英国に拠点を置くチームであり、Googleのテクノロジーもチームの主要なコアの1つです。 Liverpoolチームがスマートスポーツに署名






連絡先番号15371129229 WeChat yuhonghong7035 QQ 1500467240 E-mail







Learn or Die



Proud, but Humble



Boldly do what no one has done before


より良い未来を描いて、技術で世界を変える ー 新しいソフトウェアやハードウェア、新しいサービスやビジネスの変革、これまでにない市場の創出に私たちは挑戦します。








HOC Intelligent Technology Teamの特徴は、有名な大学を卒業し、科学技術で生まれたことです。技術革新、高度な管理、参入障壁の高さ、ネットワーク効果、ブランド効果、特許技術、規模の経済の確立に依存しているため、競争相手は敗者のために準備されています。ビジネス。 HOC Intelligent TechnologyのCAC / LTV比率(つまり、有料マーケティングのユーザー獲得コスト/ユーザーライフタイムバリュー比率)は、この比率を増加させ続けると判断されます。 HOC Intelligent Technologyのコア競争力、ニッチ市場の爆発的な成長、HOC Intelligent Technology Teamの10年間の成功した協力の確立、市場牽引力の利益データ



ベンチャーキャピタリストは、HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Co.、Ltd.

HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Companyおよび管理チームの技術、市場の可能性、規模の慎重な評価。潜在的な顧客との接触、技術専門家との協議、法人、ベンチャーキャピタルなどの管理チームの主要人物との交渉を含みます家族は、HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjingのリスクについて結論を出しました。ベンチャーキャピタリストは、見通しは有望であり、投資形態と評価に関する交渉を開始すると信じています。ベンチャーキャピタリストは、投資収益率を彼らが負うリスクに適応させようとします。実行可能な計画に基づいて、ベンチャーキャピタリストは今後3〜5年間の投資の価値を分析し、最初にキャッシュフローまたは収入予測を計算し、次に技術、管理、スキル、経験、事業計画、知的財産、および作業の進捗状況に基づいて計算します。評価によりリスクが決定され、適切な割引率が選択されて会社の正味現在価値が計算されます。 HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Companyは約200億元です...








–ソフトウェア開発経験(C / C ++言語、Python、R、MATLAB、Juliaなど)


















顶层设计:即AI产业扶持政策、 特殊立法、 数据开放政策及开放程度等 ;

算法突破:即AI芯片等人工智能核心软硬件的研发核心环节等 ;

要素质量:即AI领军人物、 资本支持力度、 科学家薪酬水平、 行业会议影响力等 ;

融合质量:即前沿学科连结性(AI:+Cloud、 +Blockchain、 +IoT、 +5G、+Quantum Computing等前沿技术)、创新主体多元性(头部企业、 学术机构等)、 文化多样性等 应用质量:即金融、 教育、 医疗、 数字政务、 医疗、 无人驾驶、 零售、 制造、 综合载体发展等 。专注打造全球最大区块链AI 人工智能大数据云平台


Room 801, Chuangzhi Building, No. 17 Xinghuo Road, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing, China


































使产品在全世界都能够被扫描和识读; GS1 标准的全球数据




中国物品编码中心(GS1 China)

中国物品编码中心(GS1 China)是统一组织、协调、
















进军韩国,中国市场,上线英文、韩语、中文,日语版APP,签约当地合作伙伴2018年12月,年度生态大会召开,全面签约10家技术服务公司,6家行业协会,落地10个应用, 国外应用1-2个,覆盖1-2个重点行业



落地应用达到20个, 海外合作伙伴超过10家








授课对象 职业高中,高中,大学,研究生。。。社会人士  要学习先进技术的人

最短的课程是半年  一年  二年 三年

就业保障 推荐全球就业,阿里腾讯科大讯飞华为 百度等名企就业

AI授课的证书有。。。方便就业的,如果要学习高级班的有剑桥牛津大学,MIT的学业资格证书,如果会日语的可以参加日本人工智能协会的资格考试 取得后全球通用

如果想来日本工作的话 协助推荐单位。。语言学院。。。签证事宜

同时可以协助办理留学 日本 英国 美国  推荐语言学院。住宿等业务



中国人工智能 5G×AI 等人才育成


人工智能哈佛大学博士于红红主讲,MIT教授,牛津剑桥大学教授 中科院,清华大学等主讲

授课对象 职业高中,高中,大学,研究生。。。社会人士  要学习先进技术的人

最短的课程是半年  一年  二年 三年

推荐全球就业,阿里腾讯科大讯飞华为 百度等名企就业

AI授课的证书有。。。方便就业的,如果要学习高级班的有剑桥牛津大学,MIT的学业资格证书,如果会日语的可以参加日本人工智能协会的资格考试 取得后全球通用

如果想来日本工作的话 协助推荐单位。。语言学院。。。签证事宜

同时可以协助办理留学 日本 英国 美国  推荐语言学院。住宿等业务








Q3。检查您学习了一个多月的以下编程语言。 (可以选择多个)

 Java PHP Ruby Swift R Python C C ++其他





Q6。请告诉我您的英语阅读能力。 /请告诉我您的阅读英语技能。

英语等级考试的4至3级英语阅读能力不及初中毕业生。 英语等级考试 3级和2级有些句子由于语法结构等而无法理解。英语等级考试准1级至1级只要检查单词就可以理解句子的含义语法结构没有问题英语报纸和论文阅读没有问题。目前独自学习。

Q7。请告诉我们您的英语听力技巧。 /请告诉我您的聆听英语技能。




Q9。请描述您要学习的有关Python和AI的目标。 (如果您尚未决定,请声明尚未决定)






日本人工智能 5G×AI 等人才育成

人工智能哈佛大学博士于红红主讲,MIT教授,牛津剑桥大学教授 東京大学,大阪大学、京都大学等主讲

【 前提条件 】
・英語レベル:TOEIC 700以上(目安)

【 対象者 】




Q1. 学びたいこと

PythonプログラミングWeb開発機械学習データ分析やKaggleスクレイピングSQLDeep Learning

Q2. プログラミング経験を教えてください。


Q3. 以下のプログラミング言語の中で1ヶ月以上学習したことのある言語にチェック入れてください。(複数選択可)

JavaPHP RubySwiftRPythonCC++その他

Q4. 数学の経験を教えてください。


Q5. 統計学に関する経験を教えてください。


Q6. 英語のリーディングに関するスキル経験を教えてください。/ Please tell me your READING English skill.

英検4~3級レベル 英語の読解力は中学生卒業レベルで苦手意識がある。英検3〜2級レベル 文法構造などで意味のわからない文章もある英検準1~1級レベル 単語さえ調べれば文章の意味がわかるレベル 文法構造などについては問題はない英語のニュースペーパーや論文を問題なく読める。現在独学で勉強中。

Q7. 英語のリスニングについてのスキル経験を教えてください。/ Please tell me your LISTENING English skill.

自己紹介などのあるパターン化された日常会話は理解できるパターン化されていない日常会話・雑談や、その日に起きた話題などの会話を理解することができる込み入った話でも相手の話していることの大枠が掴める 詳細な説明や専門用語などが含まれると理解できなくなる詳細な説明や専門用語などが含まれても支障なく理解することができる現在独学で勉強中。

Q8. 人工知能や機械学習に関する経験をご記入ください。


Q9. PythonやAIを学んでやりたい目標などをご記入ください。(決まっていない方は決まっていないと記入してください)


Q10. 将来、AIエンジニアとして就職・転職したいですか?



  • AIの組み込み(設計・製造・試験)

  • Google社等のAPIを使ったプロダクトの開発

  • 動画解析による顔認識システムの開発

  • スマートフォン向けARアプリの開発

  • Python等の学習

  • 深層学習フレームワークの利⽤経験

  • 深層学習のモデル実装経験

  • ⾼い論理的思考⼒

  • 数学的な深い知識(線形代数・統計/確率・微積分

  • AI培训渠道合作

  • (一)院校合作

  • 1、师资交流:公司与学院提供相互师资交流机会,学院可以随时派教师到公司学习最新课程与项目实训,公司派遣工程师到学院学习交流新的授课方法及教学经验。

  • 2、技术支持:与学院建立项目实践小组共同建立科研课题为学院提供技术支持,帮助学院承接的社会商业项目提供技术支持。

  • 3、教材研发:共同开发教材,公司提供案例实践,学院提供系统理论依据共同开发教材为学生提供优秀教学教材。

  • 4、教学支持:公司根据学校教学安排为学生安排工程师进行项目实训。增加学生的就业实践能力。

  • 5、创新创业活动:公司提供创新创业基金,扶持学院的创新创业活动并对优秀学员提供资金扶持政策,帮助学生成立科技公司等活动。

  • 6、大赛技术扶持:协助学院参加国内、国际大赛提供技术支持。

  • 7、实验室建设:合作计划开展工作顺利后公司根据实际情况为学院建立实验室,增加学生的实际操作能力。

  • 8、顶岗实习:公司安排相应岗位允许部分学生到公司参加实习工作。

  • 9、就业实训:公司安排实训课程,基础课程学院完成,实践课程公司完成,参加实训的学生全部由公司安排工作,签订就业协议。

  • 10、互设办事机构:公司在学院设立人才培养基地,学院在公司设立创新创业基地,并进行相互挂牌实行学分置换,为学生的就业、创新、创业提供全方位支持。同时公司对没有参加实训活动的学生提供免费的就业素质教育和就业服务。并对来全国工作的或到其他地方有公司办事机构的同学提供免费服务。

  • (二)品牌合作

  • 1、地方教育机构合作:选择全国各地有实力、信誉好的地方机构公司,实现强强联合,共同成立联合企业。优势互补、资源互补。造福地方学生和企业。

  • 2、商业项目合作:地方企业或机构利用自己的优势资源承接商业项目,哈牛桥智能科技提供强大的科研团队。实现共同发展。

  • (三)代理招生

  • 1、机构代理:选择口碑好的企业或机构联合招生,促进地方的高端就业。

  • 2、个人代理:与在地方具有影响力,品质好的,愿意为当地学生服务、奉献的人事合作招生,提高当地学生的就业质量,造福一方学生。

  • 联系人:国经理 15371129229 微信 yuhonghong7035哈牛桥智能科技 IT人才育成 招聘

  • 现因业务需要,诚聘以下岗位人才,欢迎投递简历。

  • 一、电话销售经理

  • 岗位职责:

  • 1、负责线上整体信息量的转化及团队的管理、对整体业绩负责;

  • 2、负责腾讯课堂、直播课、在线平台信息量转化,转化方式主要为网络咨询及电话咨询;

  • 3、负责信息量线下的流转及后续跟进;

  • 4、逐渐完善线上销售工作流程、制度、培训方案的制定;

  • 5、在线营销端数据梳理及统计、并根据数据进行持续改进。

  • 任职资格:

  • 1.3年以上电话销售或销售工作经验,有教育类在线咨询经理优先;

  • 2.大专及以上学历,专业不限;

  • 3.通过电话与客户进行有效沟通,保证完成销售业绩,有电话销售或销售工作经验者优先;

  • 4.热爱教育行业、有良好的职业素养。

  • 二、线上教务主管(班主任) 2人

  • 岗位职责:

  • 1、负责线上学员的日常管理工作;

  • 2、与学员沟通平台使用、课程完成情况,记录学员在学习过程中的意见与建议并反馈;

  • 3、进行学员回访及满意度调查,完成课程匹配及转班等管理;

  • 4、协调组织 学员参加各种直播课 并参与主持工作;

  • 5、帮助学员制定学习计划;

  • 6、领导交办的其他工作。

  • 任职资格:

  • 1、形象好、声音甜美、普通话标准,优秀的语言表达能力;

  • 2、性格温和、具有亲和力、善于沟通,反应机敏,思路清晰;

  • 3、有身为人师的责任感,能耐心积极的帮助学员解决学习过程中的问题;

  • 4、热爱教育事业,对工作保持高度热情;

  • 5、熟练使用办公软件;

  • 6、有在线导学教务工作经验者优先。

  • 三、线上运营主管 2人

  • 岗位职责:

  • 1、公司产品知识的销售化整理;

  • 2、 分析销售数据,并根据分析结果找到问题,并制定相应的解决方案;

  • 3、培训和管理团队,指导其完成市场销售任务,推动业务管理的规范化、专业化;

  • 4、 负责校区招生的流程监督,解决销售中遇到的各类问题,并及时提出解决方案;

  • 5、 负责活动的制定与实施。

  • 任职资格:

  • 1、大专及以上学历,1年以上销售管理经验;

  • 2、熟练掌握销售技能,拥有较强的学习能力,沟通能力和文案撰写功能;

  • 3、有身为人师的责任感,能耐心积极的帮助学员解决学习过程中的问题;

  • 4、有较强的学习能力,熟悉使用办公软件。

  • 四、运营支持总监 2人

  • 岗位职责:

  • 1、支持区域,落实集团各项工作;

  • 2、所支持区域的数据分析(如:业务数据(转化率),人员数据(人员梯队情况,司龄等),找到问题协助区域完成;

  • 3、负责问题区域的中层带教;

  • 4、完成所支持的区域或问题中心的提升;

  • 5、完成集团薄弱项目的梳理工作。

  • 任职资格:

  • 1、统招大专学历;

  • 2、有校区销售管理/运营管理经验;

  • 3、精通一线校区的业务管控流程。


  • 五、口碑总监 2人

  • 工作职责

  • 1、 负责全国口碑顾问岗位的选拔、培养、工作的督导和人才发展规划;

  • 2、 负责全国口碑顾问转化环节业务能力提升,为业绩目标达成和转化率负责;

  • 3、 负责口碑顾问业务数据的收集整理和分析;

  • 4、 领导交办的其它工作。

  • 任职资格

  • 1、 统招本科及以上学历;

  • 2、 3年以上销售团队管理经验,具备教育行业相关工作经验;

  • 3、具有较强的学习能力,具备一定数据分析能力,熟悉使用办公软件;

  • 4、具备较强的目标感,娴熟的沟通能力和团队管理能力;

  • 5、能够适应出差。

  • 六、运营督导经理 1人

  • 【工作职责】

  • 1、支持区域,落实集团各项工作;

  • 2、所支持区域的数据分析(如:业务数据(转化率),人员数据(人员梯队情况,司龄等),找到问题协助区域完成;

  • 3、负责问题区域的中层带教;

  • 4、完成所支持的区域或问题中心的提升;

  • 5、完成集团薄弱项目的梳理工作。

  • 【任职资格】

  • 1、统招大专学历;

  • 2、3年以上校区销售管理/运营管理经验;

  • 3、精通一线校区的业务管控流程;

  • 4、具有较强的综合管理能力、工作协调能力、市场拓展能力。

  • 七、呼叫中心总监 1人

  • 岗位职责:

  • 1、带领团队完成公司下达电销中心业务目标,分解团队目标至团队、成员,分解至周、日,并考核;

  • 2、熟悉电销流程的整体环节,包括电销体系搭建及优化,人员招聘,培训,激励,考核等,辅导下属团队成员成长;

  • 3、善于挖据客户需求,具备较强的从客户弱需求转化为有效销售需求的能力,了解团队成员日常工作情况,帮助团队成员挖掘和维护优质客户资源;

  • 4、监督并辅导团队成员工作,完善工作流程,提出绩效改进方案,制定有效的激励规则;并根据公司整体业务目标进行不断的总结和优化;

  • 5、结合业务规划,组织开发电销培训体系,包括但不仅限于新人培训、转正培训、衔接培训、晋阶培训、技能培训等;

  • 6、激发团队士气,塑造良好的团队文化,培养具有凝聚力、战斗力的销售队伍。

  • 任职资格

  • 1、大专以上学历,电销业务3年以上工作经验;

  • 2、从一线销售成长为的电销管理者,在不同成长阶段有较多Top sales的记录;

  • 3、具有上10人电销团队管理经验,具有教育行业电销业务背景者优先;

  • 4、具有优秀的团队管理能力,充满激情及饱满的工作热情,有人格魅力,能够有效激励团队士气。

  • 八、市场推广经理 1人

  • 岗位职责:

  • 1、负责执行公司指定的APP市场推广和Android各主流市场的合作策略;

  • 2、负责在线及会计网校的平台推广策略和执行;

  • 3、负责在线及会计网校的课程推广策略与执行;

  • 4、负责了解和分析市场动态;

  • 5、负责联系各类型合作伙伴,确保运作模式顺利进行,及合作合同的签署等相关流程的执行。

  • 任职资格:

  • 1、有一年及以上互联网或教育行业市场推广经验,熟悉各种推广方式、广告平台,有渠道推广资源的优先;

  • 2、具有较强的文案策划、数据分析和沟通谈判能力;

  • 3、具有敏感的商业和业务推动能力;

  • 4、大专及以上学历,专业不限。

  • 分校校长 若干

  • 工作职责

  • 1、主持单/多校区的全面管理工作,组织实施公司下达的各项决议;

  • 2、组织制定年度经营计划,并致力于达成业务目标;

  • 3、对各部门管理岗位工作布置、指导、检查监督、评价和考核管理工作;

  • 4、签署日常行政、业务文件,并对签署文件负责;

  • 5、监控执行集团下达的各项管理规章制度,拟定区域内具体规章制度;

  • 6、监督管理各中心日常管理及建设,包括任务分配、招聘、激励,处理本中心内重大突发事件;

  • 7、对项目成本进行把控、对利润负责。

  • 任职资格

  • 1.3年以上校区管理、运营经验;教育培训行业工作经验优先;

  • 2.具有企业营销管理知识、熟悉职业培训业务流程及运作模式;

  • 3.具有较强的综合管理能力、工作协调能力、市场拓展能力;

  • 4.擅长组织、带领班子成员团结、努力工作,优秀的执行力、领导力;

  • 工作地点:全国各大城市均有校区,根据候选人情况就近安排。

  • 人力资源部联系电话:国经理 15358411774

  • 简历投递邮箱



HOCIntelligent Technology Nanjing Co., Ltd. Patent Product Project

Top-level design: namely AI industry support policies, special legislation, data openness policies and openness, etc .;

Algorithm breakthrough: the core links of R & D of core software and hardware of artificial intelligence such as AI chips;

Element quality: namely AI leading figures, capital support, scientist salary level, industry conference influence, etc .;

Quality of integration: Connectivity of frontier disciplines (AI: + Cloud, + Blockchain, + IoT, + 5G, + Quantum Computing and other cutting-edge technologies), innovation subject diversity (head companies, academic institutions, etc.), cultural diversity and other applications Quality: financial, education, medical, digital government, medical, driverless, retail, manufacturing, comprehensive carrier development, etc. Focus on building the world's largest blockchain AI artificial intelligence big data cloud platform

Room 801-Chuangzhi Building, No. 17 Xinghuo Road, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing, China

Room 801, Chuangzhi Building, No. 17 Xinghuo Road, Jiangbei New District, Nanjing, China

Project Introduction

Utilizing AI intelligent algorithm × blockchain's unique non-tamperable characteristics,

Build cloud platforms and distributed storage cloud services.

Corresponding to DAPP applications

Information in the process of warehousing, circulation, distribution, stores, terminal consumption,

Difficulties such as anti-counterfeit verification, interactive marketing, etc., provide fast and efficient technology developers

Blockchain develops a collection of cloud services to solve the "trustworthy" problem for brand enterprises and consumers.

And thus build a brand new industry new ecology.

AI intelligent algorithm × chain composition

Basic public chain, cross-chain with Ethereum

Digital asset wallet

TRC20, TRC721 and other protocols

DAPP-City of Thousand Stars

AI intelligent algorithm × node scale

The main network is based on 21 super nodes.

Each super node is a lightweight service cluster with hundreds of spare nodes, and the size of the nodes continues to expand with business development.

AI intelligent algorithm × node security Blockchain node distributed characteristics plus consensus mechanism, to a certain extent, prevent node owners and law intruders from tampering with node data, and combine the industry's mainstream high defense methods to further improve the node data security Sex.

AI intelligent algorithm × node reward

Each node constituting the platform can obtain corresponding communication during the operation of the platform.

Reward with points.

Technical Features-Cross-chain Services

Cross-chain services are the initiator and requester without the participation of a third party

Interactive mechanism for automatic transaction completion. Data transfer and sharing between platforms, platform services,

Users' asset transactions do not rely on a centralized platform at all, and solve information silos,

The problems of closed data and difficult circulation have greatly reduced transaction costs.

The smart contract initiated has been implemented with Ethereum's cross-chain testing, and the next step will be with

AION, Taiyiyun, NEO, and Nebula NAS perform cross-chain docking.

Occupy a leading position in the future of technical support services for the global digitalization of commodities


Globalization of coding standards

International Article Numbering Association (GS1)

The GS1 standard is a set of global cross-industry products, transport units, assets,

Location and service identification standard system and information exchange standard system,

Enables products to be scanned and read worldwide; GS1 global data

Synchronization Network (GD-SN) ensures that global trading partners use the correct product information;

GS1 standard traceability solution to help companies comply with international regulations

Food safety regulations to achieve food consumption safety.

China Article Numbering Center (GS1 China)

China Article Numbering Center (GS1 China) is a unified organization, coordination,

A specialized agency that manages barcodes, item codes, and automatic identification technologies for our products.

It belongs to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and is responsible for promoting the international,

Open, cross-industry global unified coding and identification system and supply chain management standards,

Provide a public service platform and standardized solutions to society

Business model

The founding team started planning anti-counterfeiting business based on AI × blockchain technology

Basic technical framework and business framework planned

Development of AI × chain protocol layer and AI platform layer started

AI × Chain white paper writing, official website

I × chain platform partners begin to recruit

Connect consumers, enterprises, and system integrators to build a new ecosystem

AI × chain white paper 1.0 released, main chain internal test, DAPP internal test

AI × chain mainnet public test, DAPP public test, blockchain browser goes live, wallet goes live

AI × chain goes online for exchange trading, mainnet and Ethereum cross-chain smart contracts go online

AI × Chain Partner Conference held, signed at least 5 technical service companies, 3 industry associations

Entered South Korean and Chinese markets, launched English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese APPs, signed local partners in December 2018, the annual ecological conference was held, and signed 10 technical service companies, 6 industry associations, and 10 applications. 1-2 applications, covering 1-2 key industries

Release of AI × Chain 2.0, providing more development modules to enter European and American markets

The partner conference was held, and 30 technical service companies were signed, covering major provinces in China.

20 landing applications, more than 10 overseas partners

AI × Risk Control

Expand business around the world, follow local laws and regulations; make quarterly announcements regarding the use of funds;

Make weekly and monthly reports on project progress and operating data to fully disclose information;

Cold wallet storage for the main digital assets of the shareholders meeting;

Timely release the latest project updates and announcements through social media such as the official website and Twitter to achieve information synchronization and timely communication with the product system partner AI blockchain technology architecture


IT Talent Development

Teaching target Vocational high school, high school, university, graduate student. . . People who want to learn advanced technology

The shortest course is half a year, two years, three years

Employment protection Recommend global employment, Ali Tencent HKUST fly Huawei, Baidu and other famous companies

Certificates for AI classes are available. . . Convenient for employment. If you want to study advanced courses, you have Cambridge University of Oxford, MIT academic qualifications. If you can speak Japanese, you can take the qualification exam of the Japan Artificial Intelligence Association.

If you want to come to Japan to work, assist the recommender. . Language Institute. . . Visa matters

At the same time, it can assist in studying in Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Accommodation and other services

JDLA certification: Japan Deep Learning Association certification course (if you participate, you can get E qualification) worldwide

If you want to study advanced courses, you have Cambridge University of Oxford, MIT

China Artificial Intelligence 5G × AI


Artificial Intelligence from Harvard University, Dr. Honghong Yu, Professor of MIT, Professor of Oxford University of Cambridge, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, etc.

Teaching target Vocational high school, high school, university, graduate student. . . People who want to learn advanced technology

The shortest course is half a year, two years, three years

Recommend global employment, Ali Tencent, HKUST, Huawei fly to Baidu and other famous companies

Certificates for AI classes are available. . . Convenient for employment. If you want to study advanced courses, you have Cambridge University of Oxford, MIT academic qualifications. If you can speak Japanese, you can take the qualification exam of the Japan Artificial Intelligence Association.

If you want to come to Japan to work, assist the recommender. . Language Institute. . . Visa matters

At the same time, it can assist in studying in Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Accommodation and other services

JDLA certification: Japan Deep Learning Association certification course (if you participate, you can get E qualification) worldwide

Skill Level Analysis Form

To identify areas where AI is not good in the future, it analyzes what it knows and what it doesn't understand, and automatically generates the best learning course for your level.

Q1. Things to learn at Haniuqiao Intelligent Technology

 Python Programming Web Development Machine Learning Data Analysis and Kaggle Grab SQL Deep Learning

Q2. Please tell me your programming experience.

 I have never learned programming. Programming experience 1-3 months Programming experience 3-6 months Programming experience 6 months or more

Q3. Check that you have learned the following programming languages ​​for more than a month. (You can select multiple)

 Java PHP Ruby Swift R Python C C ++ Other

Q4. Please tell me your mathematical experience.

 I am from the liberal arts and have no experience at all. I'm not good at math. I studied high school mathematics (Mathematics III and C). I studied linear algebra in college. I have confidence in mathematics. Currently studying alone.

Q5. Please tell us your statistical experience.

 I have never learned statistics, including self-study. Learn the level of statistics through self-study. I studied statistics at school and university. I have confidence in the statistics. Currently studying alone.

Q6. Please tell me your English reading ability. / Please tell me your reading English skills.

Level 4 to 3 of English proficiency is not as good as junior high school graduates. English Proficiency Test Some sentences in Levels 3 and 2 cannot be understood due to grammatical structure and so on. English proficiency test level 1 to 1 As long as you check the words, you can understand the meaning of the sentence. There is no problem with the grammatical structure. There is no problem with reading English newspapers and papers. Currently studying alone.

Q7. Tell us your English listening skills. / Please tell me your listening skills.

 Understand everyday conversations that have been modeled, such as introducing yourself. Understand everyday conversations and chats that are not modeled, as well as conversations that happen that day. When you can master the outline including detailed instructions and technical terms, you will not understand. Even if you include detailed descriptions and technical terms, you can understand without difficulty. Currently learning through self-study.

Q8. Please describe your experience in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

 I know the words artificial intelligence and machine learning, but I have never learned it and I don't know what to do. I have read at least one introductory book on artificial intelligence and machine learning. I have learned machine learning through books, online video services and seminars. I'm doing machine learning in practice, but I want to hear more details from experts. Currently studying alone.

Q9. Describe the goals you want to learn about Python and AI. (If you have n’t decided yet, please state it has not yet been decided)


Q10. Do you want to find a job or change to an AI engineer in the future?

 I want me not to (I don't think about it now). Under consideration (I may want to work or change jobs as an AI engineer in the future.)



Japanese artificial intelligence 5G × AI and other talents

Artificial Intelligence from Harvard University, Dr. Honghong Yu, Professor of MIT, Professor of Oxford Cambridge University of Tokyo, Osaka University, Kyoto University, etc.


・ Summary of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (general use, history, etc.)

・ Basics of Mathematics (Linear Algebra, Accuracy, Statistics, Differentiation, Integral, etc.) in Universities

・ Python  Foundation

・ Basic Knowledge of Mechanical Learning ()

・ English Language: TOEIC 700 or more (Megane)

【Elephant Hunter】

・ Principle and Principles of AI, Design of AI, Introduction of Necessary Knowledge, Knowledge of the System

analysis In the future, AI will be divided into specific areas, specific understanding of how to understand, how to understand, and how to understand the analysis of , and, which is the most suitable for learning and automatic generation.


 Python Web development Mechanical learning  Analysis  Kaggle  SQL Deep Learning

Q2. .

 Everything learns 1 to 3 months  3 to 6 months 6 months or more

Q3. The following  1 month or more to learn (Plural selection is possible)

 Java PHP Ruby Swift R Python C C ++ Q4. Mathematics Wen Department of origin. Mathematics, bitter hand consciousness, holding . College Mathematics (Mathematics III ・ C) . University  linear algebra. Mathematics is self-confident. Now studying alone is barely in progress.

Q5. Statistics .

 Statistics . The degree of reluctance in statistics alone. Statistics は School や University . Statistics are self-confident. Now studying alone is barely in progress.

Q6. English  Please tell me your READING English skill.

Hard work consciousness. English grammar 3 ~ 2 grammar grammar structure meaning article  English 検 English quasi 1 ~ 1 grammar grammar tune essay meaning essay grammar structure problem い い problem in English Question . Now studying alone is barely in progress.

Q7. English  / Please tell me your LISTENING English skill.

  Daily conversation は understanding  Daily conversation topic た Session を understanding  Detailed description of the term of the door Detailed description of the term of the doorUnderstanding is now barely learned.

Q8. Artificial knowledge, mechanical learning, and guanguan are recorded in .

 Artificial knowledge can learn mechanical learning and. Artificial Knowledge, Mechanical Learning, Seki, Introductory Book, 1 Book, Independent Study, Past books, animations, books, animation, machine learning

 Contents . Now studying alone is barely in progress.

Q9. Python や AI  GOAL is recorded in . (Decided 

Q10. In the future, will AI AI take over employment and work?

 (Today's t Discussion (In the future, inauguration, job title, hope, possibility).


• Group of AI (Design, Manufacturing, Testing)

• Google Corporation, etc. API • Animation analysis of cognition system

• AR • Python and other learning

• Deep learning • Deep learning equipment

• Theoretical Thinking

• Deep knowledge of mathematics (linear algebra, statistics, accuracy, calculus

• AI training channel cooperation

• (I) University Cooperation

• 1. Teacher exchange: The company and the college provide mutual teacher exchange opportunities. The college can send teachers to the company to learn the latest courses and project training at any time. The company sends engineers to the college to learn and exchange new teaching methods and teaching experience.

• 2. Technical support: Establish scientific research projects with the institute's project practice group to provide technical support to the college, and to provide technical support for social and commercial projects undertaken by the college.

• 3. R & D of teaching materials: jointly develop teaching materials, the company provides case practice, and the college provides systematic theoretical basis to jointly develop teaching materials to provide students with excellent teaching materials.

• 4. Teaching support: The company arranges engineers for project training for students according to school teaching arrangements. Increase students' ability to practice in employment.

• 5. Innovation and entrepreneurship activities: The company provides innovation and entrepreneurship funds, supports the college's innovation and entrepreneurship activities, and provides financial support policies for outstanding students, and helps students set up technology companies and other activities.

• 6. Competition technical support: assist the college to participate in domestic and international competitions to provide technical support.

• 7. Laboratory construction: After the successful implementation of the cooperation plan, the company will set up a laboratory for the college according to the actual situation to increase the students' practical ability.

• 8. Internship: The company arranges corresponding positions to allow some students to join the company for internship work.

• 9. Employment training: the company arranges training courses, the basic courses are completed by the academy, and the practical courses are completed by the company. All the students participating in the training are arranged by the company to work and sign employment agreements.

• 10. Mutual establishment of offices: The company sets up a talent training base in the college, the college sets up an innovation and entrepreneurship base in the company, and conducts credit exchanges with each other, providing comprehensive support for students' employment, innovation and entrepreneurship. At the same time, the company provides free employment quality education and employment services to students who have not participated in practical training activities. It also provides free services to students who come to work across the country or have company offices elsewhere.

(2) Brand cooperation

• 1. Cooperation with local education institutions: Select local institutions with strong and reputable institutions across the country to achieve a strong alliance and jointly establish a joint enterprise. Complementary advantages and complementary resources. Benefit local students and businesses.

• 2. Commercial project cooperation: Local enterprises or institutions take advantage of their own resources to undertake commercial projects. Ha Niu Qiao Intelligent Technology provides a strong scientific research team. Achieve common development.

(3) Agent recruitment

• 1. Agency agency: Select companies or institutions with good reputation to jointly recruit students to promote high-end local employment.

• 2. Personal agent: Cooperate with local influential and good quality personnel who are willing to serve and dedicate local students to recruit students, improve the quality of local students' employment, and benefit one student.

• Contact: National Manager 15371129229 WeChat yuhonghong7035 Kahiuqiao Intelligent Technology IT Talent Development Recruitment

• Due to business needs, we are looking for talents in the following positions. Welcome to submit your resume.

I. Telemarketing Manager

•            Job Responsibilities:

• 1. Responsible for the conversion of the overall online information volume and team management, and be responsible for the overall performance;

• 2. Responsible for the information volume conversion of Tencent classrooms, live lessons, and online platforms. The main conversion methods are online consultation and telephone consultation;

• 3. Responsible for the flow of information and offline follow-up;

• 4. Gradually improve the formulation of online sales workflows, systems, and training programs;

• 5. Online data collection and statistics, and continuous improvement based on the data.

•            Qualifications:

• More than 1.3 years of telesales or sales work experience, education online consulting manager is preferred;

• 2. College degree or above, unlimited majors;

• 3. Effectively communicate with customers over the phone to ensure the completion of sales performance, telephone sales or sales work experience is preferred;

• 4. Love education industry and have good professional quality.

2. Online Educational Supervisor (Head Teacher) 2

•            Job Responsibilities:

• 1. Responsible for the daily management of online students;

• 2. Communicate with the students about the use of the platform and the completion of the course, and record the feedback and suggestions of the students during the learning process;

• 3. Conduct student return visits and satisfaction surveys, complete course matching and transfer management;

• 4. Coordinate and organize students to participate in various live broadcast classes and participate in hosting work;

• 5. Help students develop learning plans;

• 6. Other tasks assigned by the leader.

•            Qualifications:

• 1. Good image, sweet voice, standard Mandarin, excellent language expression ability;

• 2, gentle personality, affinity, good at communication, alert and clear thinking;

• 3. Have a sense of responsibility as a teacher and be able to patiently and actively help students solve problems during the learning process;

• 4. Love education and maintain high enthusiasm for work;

• 5. Skilled in using office software;

• 6. Experience in online tutoring and teaching affairs is preferred.

Third, online operation supervisor 2 people

•            Job Responsibilities:

• 1. Sales organization of company product knowledge;

• 2. Analyze sales data and find problems based on the analysis results and formulate corresponding solutions;

• 3. Train and manage the team, guide them to complete marketing and sales tasks, and promote the standardization and professionalization of business management;

• 4. Responsible for supervising the admission process of the campus, solving various problems encountered in sales, and proposing solutions in a timely manner;

• 5. Responsible for the formulation and implementation of activities.

•            Qualifications:

• 1. College degree or above, more than 1 year sales management experience;

• 2. Proficiency in sales skills, strong learning ability, communication skills and copywriting functions;

• 3. Have a sense of responsibility as a teacher and be able to patiently and actively help students solve problems during the learning process;

• 4. Strong learning ability and familiar with office software.

4. Operation Support Director 2

•            Job Responsibilities:

• 1. Support the region and implement the work of the group;

• 2. Data analysis of supported areas (such as: business data (conversion rate), personnel data (staff echelon situation, divisional age, etc.), find problems to assist the area to complete;

• 3, responsible for teaching in the middle of the problem area;

• 4. Complete the promotion of supported areas or problem centers;

• 5. Finishing the group's weak projects.

•            Qualifications:

• 1. Recruit college education;

• 2. Have campus sales management / operation management experience;

• 3. Proficient in business management and control processes in front-line campuses.

V. Word of mouth director 2

• Job responsibilities

• 1. Responsible for the selection, training, work supervision and talent development planning of national word-of-mouth consultants;

• 2. Responsible for the improvement of the business capacity of the national word-of-mouth consultant conversion process, and responsible for the achievement of performance goals and conversion rate;

• 3. Responsible for the collection, analysis and analysis of word-of-mouth consultant business data;

• 4. Other tasks assigned by the leader.

•            Qualifications

• 1. Unified enrollment of bachelor degree or above;

• 2, 3 years of sales team management experience and relevant work experience in the education industry;

• 3. Have strong learning ability, have certain data analysis ability, familiar with the use of office software;

• 4. Have a strong sense of purpose, skilled communication skills and team management skills;

• 5. Able to adapt to business trips.

Six, operation supervision manager

• [Responsibilities]

• 1. Support the region and implement the work of the group;

• 2. Data analysis of supported areas (such as: business data (conversion rate), personnel data (staff echelon situation, divisional age, etc.), find problems to assist the area to complete;

• 3, responsible for teaching in the middle of the problem area;

• 4. Complete the promotion of supported areas or problem centers;

• 5. Finishing the group's weak projects.

•            【Qualifications】

• 1. Recruit college education;

• 2, 3 or more years of campus sales management / operation management experience;

• 3. Proficient in business management and control processes in front-line campuses;

• 4. Strong comprehensive management ability, work coordination ability and market expansion ability.

Seven, call center director 1 person

•            Job Responsibilities:

• 1. Lead the team to complete the company's business goals for the telemarketing center, decompose the team's goals to the team and members, decompose to the week and day, and evaluate;

• 2. Familiar with the overall process of the telemarketing process, including the establishment and optimization of the telemarketing system, personnel recruitment, training, incentives, assessments, etc., to coach the growth of subordinate team members;

• 3. Good at digging out customer needs, have strong ability to transform weak customer needs into effective sales needs, understand the daily work of team members, and help team members to tap and maintain high-quality customer resources;

• 4. Supervise and coach team members to work, improve work processes, propose performance improvement programs, and formulate effective incentive rules; and continue to summarize and optimize according to the company's overall business goals;

• 5. In conjunction with business planning, organize the development of telemarketing training systems, including but not limited to newcomer training, regular training, connection training, promotion training, skills training, etc .;

• 6. Motivate team morale, shape a good team culture, and cultivate a sales force with cohesion and combat effectiveness.

•            Qualifications

• 1. College degree or above, 3 years working experience in telemarketing business;

• 2. Telemarketing managers who have grown from front-line sales have more Top sales records at different growth stages;

• 3. Management experience of 10-person telemarketing team, education background of telemarketing business is preferred;

• 4. Excellent team management ability, full of passion and full of work enthusiasm, personality charm, can effectively stimulate team morale.

Eight, marketing manager

•            Job Responsibilities:

• 1. Responsible for the implementation of the company's designated APP marketing and cooperation strategies in the mainstream markets of Android;

• 2. Responsible for the platform promotion strategy and implementation of online and accounting online schools;

• 3. Responsible for the course promotion strategy and implementation of online and accounting online schools;

• 4. Responsible for understanding and analyzing market dynamics;

• 5. Responsible for contacting various types of partners to ensure the smooth operation of the operation mode and the execution of related processes such as the signing of cooperation contracts.

•            Qualifications:

• 1. Have one or more years of marketing experience in the Internet or education industry, familiar with various promotion methods and advertising platforms, and have channel promotion resources is preferred;

• 2. Have strong copywriting planning, data analysis and communication negotiation skills;

• 3. Have sensitive business and business promotion capabilities;

• 4. College degree or above, no specialties required.

Branch principal

• Job responsibilities

• 1. Preside over the overall management of single / multi-campus and organize the implementation of the resolutions issued by the company;

• 2. Organize an annual business plan and work to achieve business goals;

• 3. Arrange, guide, inspect and supervise, evaluate and evaluate the management work of the management positions of various departments;

• 4. Sign daily administrative and business documents and be responsible for signed documents;

• 5. Monitor and implement various management rules and regulations issued by the group, and formulate specific rules and regulations in the region;

• 6. Supervise the daily management and construction of each center, including task allocation, recruitment, incentives, and handle major emergencies within the center;

• 7. Control project costs and be responsible for profits.

•            Qualifications

• More than 1.3 years of campus management and operation experience; work experience in education and training industry is preferred;

• 2. Have corporate marketing management knowledge, familiar with vocational training business processes and operating models;

• 3. Have strong comprehensive management ability, work coordination ability, market development ability;

• 4. Good at organizing and leading team members to unite, work hard, excellent execution and leadership;

• Place of work: There are campuses in major cities across the country, which will be arranged nearby according to the situation of the candidate.

• Human Resources Department Tel: Country Manager 15358411774

• Resume delivery email:

HOW TO JOIN HOC Intelligent Technology?HOCインテリジェントテクノロジーチャネルのパートナーになるには?


  • 01


Submit a willingness to cooperate

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Determine partnership

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Become a contract partner

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Meet The Team


yu honghong--CEO

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Yu HongHong, born in 1970, graduated from Harvard UniversityPhD, currently head of CTO of NTTDATA ,and currently head of CEO of HOC Intelligent Technology, Yu HongHong CEO/GuoLong born in 1995, graduated from Cambridge UniversityPhD ,currently head of CTO of HOC Intelligent Technology .Head of Artificial Intelligence, a scholar of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Full member of JSAI Artificial Intelligence, a member of IEEE, a member of SIGIR, a member of CAAI China Artificial Intelligence Association, AAA1 International AI He is a member of the Intelligence Association, a member of the British Artificial Intelligence China, a member of the British Artificial Intelligence Association ACM, and his main research areas are ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence experts, computer vision, multimedia technology, and machine learning. Etc.


Guo long___


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Guo Long, born in July 1995, is a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a full member of the JSAI artificial intelligence society, an IEEE member, a SIGIR member, a CAAI member of the Chinese artificial intelligence society, and a member of the AAA1 international artificial intelligence society. Member of ACM, British Artificial Intelligence China Member of ACM CAAI Member of China-Britain Artificial Intelligence Association

The main research areas include ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence experts, computer vision, multimedia technology and machine learning. Dr. Cambridge Professor OXBridge

Guolong The University of Cambridge

Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, LCFI Scientist, Top Research Institute, LCFI Labs, UK

He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge, a professor at the University of Cambridge, and a CTO. Leader in cutting-edge technology. AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, quantum artificial intelligence and other top cutting-edge technologies.

High school studying in the UK, undergraduate, master's degree at Cambridge University, in 2017 received a PhD in computer science from the University of Cambridge, UK. So far, as the project leader, he has conducted research and development in 863 major projects, sub-projects of the National Science and Technology Support Program, and projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and has published 12 papers including SCI and 28 papers from EI . Collected 29 articles and obtained multiple invention patents. At present, the Institute of Information Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences offers basic courses "Computer Vision and Image Understanding" and professional basic courses "Modern Computer Vision". Deep Tech focuses on the integration of AI, blockchain big data analysis cloud, ERP consultants and technology megatrends. Drug discovery in Eastern Europe, fintech and blockchain, fintech and blockchain in Asia. 5 core technologies-biometrics, artificial intelligence, chatbots, data analysis, blockchain. 4 sub-sectors: loans, payments, savings, insurance. Conduct special case studies related to advanced biomedicine. Data science and AI enhance specific methods of predictive analytics. For the specific vision we use to design investment strategies and work with strategic partners, advanced forecasts focus on the convergence of the DeepTech industry. Research scientists, clinicians and technicians in academia, pharmaceutical companies and AI companies. Our team includes Dr. Tasuku Honjo, Dr. Yusuke Honjo, Nobel's PD-1 Physiology, CSAIL's lead researcher, MIT Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola, Manolis Kellis and Peter Szolovits.


The main research areas are ERP consulting, cloud technology, big data, blockchain, artificial intelligence experts. The person in charge has undertaken research and development work on 863 key projects, sub-projects of the National Science and Technology Support Plan, and National Natural Science Foundation projects. More than 510 scientific papers, of which 50 are included in SCI, 60 are included in EI, 129 are included in ISTP, and 225 invention patents have been obtained

James Doe---


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AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries

IEEE, NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI, UAI, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, ACL, PAMI, IJCV, JMLR, AIJ have been published more than 100 times.

HOC  Intelligent Technology and Microsoft, Microsoft Cambridge Research Institute, Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Hang Seng Electronics, Yahoo, Tencent, Huawei, Facebook Paris Research, SAP, orcale, salesforce, etc., the British Liverpool team and Li Ning Sports, Ali Sports, NVIDIA, NTT, NTTDATA, Softbank, Samsung and other famous companies have contracts. R & D Center Nanjing Headquarters, Hangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters, Taizhou Branch, Li Department, Suzhou Branch, etc. Global Japan, United Kingdom, United States, South Korea. .



哈牛桥智能科技拥有全球领先的AI,IoT,RPA, OCR-AI ,ERP,cloud,bigdata,blockchain,ICT,5G,3D,AR, VR,iCLIP,核心工业软件,核心算法,中微子,量子人工智能,智能驾驶,智能芯片等顶尖核心技术,这些核心技术全部来自于自主研发,拥有自主知识产权。积极倡导阳光健康

经营理念的企业价值观,遵守适用法律法规,产品技术广泛应用于智能芯片,教育、医疗,金融,体育,安防,新零售,无人驾驶,机器人,IOT,ICT,智能制造,智能交通,智能城市,智慧家居,智能管理、RPA, 智能工厂、 智能物流等社会普惠等领域