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Writer's picture: guolong yuhonghongguolong yuhonghong

OXBridge PhD Team


Senior Research Scholar (2018 - today) Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford

Research Affiliate (2019 - today) Center for the Governance of AI, University of Oxford

Affiliate (2018 - today) Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University


DPhil Philosophy, University of Oxford (2014 - 2018) Advisors: Prof. Christopher Timpson and Prof. Harvey Brown Topic: The Scope of Thermodynamics

MSt Philosophy of Physics, University of Oxford (2013 - 2014) University of Oxford, Modules: Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind

MSc Physics, Freie Universität Berlin (2011 - 2013) Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert Thesis title: Superactivation of Gaussian Quantum Channels

BSc Physics, Freie Universität Berlin (2007 - 2011) Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Heberle Thesis title: Thermophoresis of Aureochrome


Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University (2017, 2018)

Visiting Fellow, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich (2018)

Vice Chancellor's Fund Award, University of Oxford (2018)

Doctoral Scholarship Award, British Society for the Philosophy of Science (2014 - 2017)

Visiting Research Fellow, Center for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore (2011)

Scholarship, Begabtenförderung, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (2007 - 2013)


C. Prunkl, On the equivalence of von Neumann and thermodynamic entropy, Philosophy of Science, forthcoming (Preprint:

C. Prunkl and C. Timpson, On the thermodynamical cost of some interpretations of quantum theory, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 2018,, (Preprint:

C. Prunkl, The Road to Quantum Thermodynamics, forthcoming in Quantum Foundations of Statistical Mechanics, eds. C. Timpson, D. Bedingham, OUP 2019

V.U. Ludwig, C. Stelzel, C. Prunkl, H. Krutiak, R. Steimke, L.M. Paschke, N. Kathmann and H. Walter, Impulsivity,self-control and hypnotic suggestibility. Consciousness and Cognition, 22(2):647-653, 2013


C. Prunkl, Das Schummeln der Lämmer - Von kleinen Lügen und großen Konsequenzen, SHIFT, 1:42-46, 2013


C. Prunkl and C. Timpson, Black Hole Entropy is Entropy, 2016 (Preprint:

C. Prunkl and K. Robertson, Thermodynamics without Observers, 2017


Boltzmann Brains and Simulations - Rethinking the Skeptical Hypothesis Philosophy of Physics Seminar, Universität Bonn, 2019

Thermodynamik und Schwarze Löcher - ein Exkurs 1. DPG Wochenendseminar zur Philosophie der Physik, Universität Bonn, 2018

The Role of Information in Black Hole Thermodynamics Foundational Problems of Black Holes and Gravitation, Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, 2018

Resource Theories and Axiomatic Thermodynamics Philosophy of Physics Conference, University of Western Ontario, 2018

Black Hole Entropy, how much information do we need? Sigma Club, London School of Economics, 2018 Philosophy of Physics Seminar, University of Oxford, 2018 The Black Hole Initiative Colloquium, Harvard University, 2017

On the thermodynamical cost associated with some quantum interpretations. Leuven-Buenos Aires Workshop on the Philosophy of Physics, University of Leuven, 2016


Black Holes and Information European Philosophy of Science Association, Geneva 2019

Symposium on Black Holes: Entropy and System Size British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Oxford 2018

Thermodynamics without Observers? Conference on the Second Law of Thermodynamics, LMU München, 2017

Black Hole Entropy is Entropy (and not Information) Thinking about Space and Time: 100 Years of Applying and Interpreting General Relativity, University of Bern, 2017 5th International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics, Saig, 2017

A Tale of Two Entropies - defending the von Neumann Entropy. Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, 2016

Are some quantum interpretations hotter than others? British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Cardiff, 2016


Governance of AI, University of Oxford, 2019 Advanced Philosophy of Physics, University of Oxford, 2019 The Ethics of AI, Oxford AI Society, University of Oxford, 2019 Introduction to Logic, Teaching Assistant, University of Oxford, 2017 Philosophy of Science, Tutor, University of Oxford, 2015 Quantum Theory and Quantum Computers, Teaching Assistant, University of Oxford, 2014


Expert on Governance of AI UK 2070 Commission

Expert Panelist, Mentor A.I. Impact Weekend at the Oxford Foundry, 8.-10.2.2019

Harvard,MIT博士 Team

Work experience

Research Scientist in AI safety, DeepMind (2016-present)

· theoretical and experimental research on keeping advanced AI systems robust and beneficial

Software Engineering Intern, Google (2015)

· developed and implemented machine learning algorithms for the Knowledge Graph

Decision Support Engineering Intern, Google (2013)

· built statistical models of the impact of ads quality on click-through rate in R

Teaching Fellow in Statistics, Harvard University (2012-2013)Quantitative Analyst Intern, D.E.Shaw & Co (2012)

· developed and tested risk modeling algorithms using statistical and numerical optimization methods in Python

Summer Research Analyst in Computer Science, University of Toronto (2009)Teaching Assistant in Mathematics, University of Toronto (2007-2011)


Harvard University, PhD, Statistics (2016)University of Toronto, MS, Statistics (2011)University of Toronto, Honors BS with High Distinction (GPA 3.76/4.00), Statistics / Mathematics (2010)


ICML conference reviewer (2019)ICLR Safe ML workshop co-organizer (2019)Beneficial AGI (BAGI) conference co-organizer and technical safety program chair (2019)CIFAR International Scientific Advisory Committee for Pan-Canadian AI Strategy (2018)NeurIPS conference reviewer, top 30% of reviewers (2018)ICML conference reviewer (2018)AI, Ethics & Society (AIES) conference reviewer (2018)Beneficial AI (BAI) conference co-organizer (2017)Women in ML (WiML) workshop reviewer (2016-2017)Future of AI conference co-organizer (2015)Canadian IMO team deputy leader (2010)


IMO Silver medal, International Mathematical Olympiad (2006)Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize (2008)

· highest ranking woman in the Putnam mathematics competition in North America

University of Toronto Putnam mathematics competition team (2006-2009)

· 3-person team consistently ranked in top 10 in North America

ACM programming competition team (2007-2008)

· 3-person team competed on the regional level in North America



深層学習(Deep Learning)を中心とした人工知能(AI)技術を活用した、取り組む事業における研究開発を行って頂きます。

◆具体的な業務内容 ・コンピュータビジョン・自然言語処理・強化学習・音声認識/合成分野での人工知能(AI)技術を活用した研究開発 ・レコメンドシステムの研究開発 ・ゲームAIの研究開発 ・その他事業での人工知能(AI)技術を活用した研究開発

◆経験/能力 ・chainer / tensorflow / caffe 等の深層学習フレームワークを利用した20年以上の実装経験 ・高い論理的思考力 ・数学的な深い知識(線形代数・統計/確率・微積分) ・自発的に周囲を巻き込み、プロジェクトを推進することができるマインド ・コンピュータビジョン・自然言語処理・強化学習・音声認識/合成分野での5年以上の研究または実務経験 ・深層学習(Deep Learning)のモデル実装経験 ・自発的に周囲を巻き込み、プロジェクトを推進することができるマイン





・システム開発におけるプロジェクトマネージメント経験 ・多岐にわたるタスクを整理する管理能力 ・メンバーへの指示を明確にできる高いコミュニケーション能力 ・課題を解決するために必要な巻き込み力 ・リスクを察知し対応策を練ることのできる危機管理能力

・機械学習アルゴリズムに関する研究開発経験 ・機械学習アルゴリズムを用いた実サービスのプロジェクトマネージメント経験 ・基本的なWEB技術力(プログラミング・DB・インフラの経験) ・システム開発グループの組織マネージメント経験 ・社外ステークホルダーとの交渉経験 ※各プロジェクトの規模・期間、利用経験のあるマネージメントツール、取り入れていたマネージメント手法など、プロジェクトマネージメント

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